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比如说,也许你会想要在清单上列上树木。You might want to list trees, say.

这份单子上列出了我感兴趣的机床。Here’s my list of interested machine tools.

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你永远不会干完清单上列出的事。You’ll never get to the bottom of your list.

在一览表上列出的商品的卖价。You can check the list of duty-free articles.

你清单上列出的有需要足部按摩仪的吗?Does anyone on your list want a foot massager?

这张单子上列的配料听起来使人馋涎欲滴。The list of ingredients sounds very appetizing.

我只好把清单上列的项目一个个地念一遍。I had to call over the items one by one on the list.

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上列货物,按本季行情,报价为。We offer the goods at the current season's price of.

其中的两张写在上好的牛皮纸上列出了受益人名字。Two were written on fine vellum and made out by name.

拿下赖特·菲利普斯,换上列农。Out went Shaun Wright-Phillips and in came Aaron Lennon.

若要排序上列元件,请选取任一资料行行首。To sort the components listed, select any column heading.

在一张时间表上列出的一组约会情况。A group of appointments slotted over a specific time horizon.

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本人已将上列申报登记在每月支薪资料档案内。I have entered the above claims in the monthly payment data file.

配料单上列出的成份包括500克糖和200毫升奶油。The list of ingredients included 500g of sugar and 200ml of cream.

布告牌上列出了学校即将举行的各项活动。On the noticeboard there was a list of forthcoming events at school.

在公告栏上列出了下一次质量改善培训期的不同时间。Posters list the times of the next quality-circle training sessions.

本人已于指定时段出席并完成上列题目及内容之培训工作坊。I have attended and completed the above school-based training session.

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请给我们为附页上列出的货物办理保险。Please cover insurance on the cargo listed on the attached sheet for us.

可逆式马达也可依上列图示方式使用。Reversible motors can also be used according to the methods shown above.

除了以上列出的以外,还有其他许多可能的报告和聚合。There are many more potential reports and aggregations than listed above.