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艰苦奋斗和勤俭节约均是美德。Working hard and frugal are both virtues.

“勤俭节约,吃穿不缺”这句谚语如今被发展到了新的高度。It takes the saying waste not, want not, to a whole new level.

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我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气。We should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality.

然而除了好天气和勤俭节约之外,还有更多的原因。But there is more to it than pleasant weather and belt-tightening.

勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings.

勤俭节约是民族的优良传统。Hardworking and thrift are admirable traditional elements of the Chinese nation.

在保证比赛圆满举行的前提下,勤俭节约,节省经费。Competition to be held in ensuring the successful premise, thriftiness , savings.

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学习雷锋艰苦朴素、勤俭节约的作风,培养良好的生活习惯。Two, learning Lei Feng hard work and plain living, thrift style, cultivate good living habits.

勤俭节约固然重要,投资理财,让银子发挥最大作用同样重要。Thrift is important, while investment, which makes your money to make money is as crucial as former.

勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗,杜绝浪费并珍惜他人和社会劳动成果。We will advocate thrift, avoid extravagancy and cherish fruits of the labor of others and the society.

勤俭节约是中华民族的一大传统,也是一个人道德高尚的具体表现。Thrift is a great tradition of the Chinese nation, but also a concrete expression of high moral standing.

在家里,我见到了我年长慈善的祖母,我勤俭节约的父母,还有我那可爱的小妹。And there I met my old, kind grandma , my hardworking , thrift parents as well as my lovely younger sister.

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没有什么比逃避勤俭节约的责任在哪一个国家需要支持贫困的人们更卑鄙。Nothing is more despicable than shirking the duty for thrift in a country which needs to support poverty people.

东亚各国人民在漫长的历史实践中创造了自己的优秀文化,这种文化传统以社会集体为重,崇尚自尊,自强,艰苦奋斗,勤俭节约,谦虚好学的美德。Through their long histories, the peoples of east Asian countries have created their own fine cultural traditions.

如果勤俭节约的规划生活,你就能实实在在的拥有这些生活必需品,那为什么不拥有它们呢?If you have diligently saved, and planned, and you can truly afford those nice-ities in life, why not reach for them? Why not buy them?

而摩羯座是众人皆知的财迷,在生活上勤俭节约和对未来充满计划对摩羯座来说比追求大大小小的愉悦来得重要。The Capricorn is known to be a finance fanatic and saving and planning mean more to the Capricorn than seeking small or large pleasures.

情绪也能助投资一臂之力,它刺激投资者进行理财、制定退休计划、勤俭节约并规避过高风险。Emotions can also help, supplying the motivation to focus on our finances, plan for retirement, save diligently and avoid excessive risk.

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尽管与爱花钱者相比,节约的人不那么振奋人心,爱冒险,也不那么有趣,但是据研究,在择偶中,人们更倾向于选择勤俭节约的人。Even though savers are perceived as less exciting, adventurous and fun than spenders, people prefer dating savers, according to research.

那些赞美中国勤俭节约文化的人们可能还会发现,香港富人状况最近出现了一个值得注意的变化。Those who laud the Chinese cultural bias for savings might also discover a cautionary tale in the recent circumstances of Hong Kong's rich.

那些赞美中国勤俭节约文化的人们可能还会发现,香港富人状况最近出现了一个值得注意的变化。Those who laud the Chinese cultural bias for savings might also discover a cautionary tale in the recent circumstances of Hong Kong's rich.