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我大惑不解。I was baffled.

我大惑不解。I was puzzled.

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她大惑不解。She was so puzzled.

我对道格-柯林斯的情况大惑不解。The Doug Collins situation perplexes me.

一个森林之神大惑不解,他想知道男子在做什么。Mystified, a satyr wanted to know what he was doing.

这让某些风险投资家大惑不解。It has some venture capitalists scratching their heads.

赢得白宫之主一职反而使他们过上了正常的家庭生活,这真是令人大惑不解。Curiously, winning the Oval Office has given them a normal family life.

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再一次,她又站到了上帝的面前,她大惑不解地问上帝,“我记得你说我还能再活40年?”Arriving in front of God, she demanded, "I thought you said I had another 40 Years?

英语常常会让外国学生和以其作为母语的人同样感到大惑不解。English is often perplexing to students of the language and to native speakers alike.

对于史维梅的惊人之举,当时不光女儿吃惊,就连好朋友也大惑不解。For Shiwei Mei's surprise, her daughter was not only surprised, and even friends are puzzled.

就连我的朋友们也大惑不解,纷纷发邮件问我,这家公司是否“快要垮台了”?Even my own friends are sending me puzzled notes, wondering if the "wheels are coming off the cart."

差异的多寡是件极为微妙的事务,这极容易使一个英国人在审视美国时大惑不解。The amount of divergence is a subtle affair, liable to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America.

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对他来说,这实在是一种可望而不可即的好运。他一定大惑不解为什么他们这样抬举他。That must appear to him too impossible a piece of luck. He must wonder at the way they had taken him up.

裕贤莅临饭店检视,明勋看到美莉对自己冰冷的举动大惑不解。Yuhyun visits hotel for inspection, and Myeonghoon is mystified looking at Miri behaving icy to himself.

强生公司出现的制造和质量问题,种类如此之多、数量如此之大、持续时间如些之长,确实让一些行业观察人士感到大惑不解。THE variety, magnitude and duration of the manufacturing and quality problems perplex some industry watchers.

这使得访客们感到大惑不解,在数百个选择机会当中,哪一种产品才是最好的呢?This may all be very confusing to the visitor. Which is the best product to buy out of hundreds to choose from?

eBay的电话业务只关注最好的客户,这让戈德法布和其他市场专家们大惑不解。eBay's focus on providing phone service only to its best customers has confounded Goldfarb and other marketing experts.

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1996年,迈克尔与皮肤病医生的护士黛比·罗薇喜结连理,除了夫妻俩本人以外,所有的人都对这次婚姻大惑不解。His second marriage, to his dermatologist's nurse, Debbie Rowe, in 1996, was equally perplexing to everyone but the couple themselves.

「整件事结束得非常快。他似乎感到大惑不解,而且没有拒捕的机会,」汉堡市警局一名发言人告诉ARD电视台。"It all ended very fast. He appeared to be baffled and had no chance of resisting arrest, " a Hamburg police spokesman told ARD television.

我国史界有学者对滴水、洹水这样比黄河小得多的河流被神化感到大惑不解。Many scholars of China in field of history feel confused about Yin people worshiping such rivers, that are much smaller than the Huanghe River.