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亚洲稻米储量达到了警戒水位。Asian rice stocks are near danger level.

湘江长沙段超警戒水位。C China's Xiangjiang River passes alert level.

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洪水已降至警戒水位之下。The flood has slipped below the warning stage.

水位已上升到了警戒水位。The water level has risen to the warning stage.

2010年9月中旬,区域性洪水注入巴基斯坦曼查尔湖,使其抬升到警戒水位。Regional flooding had pushed Pakistan’s Manchhar Lake to dangerous levels by mid-September 2010.

钱塘江及所有支流水位周四早上七点超过警戒水位。Water levels on the Qiantang River and all its tributaries exceeded the safety level at 7 am on Thursday.

确定各水文站保证水位和警戒水位,是新建水文站的首要工作任务之一。To determine the safety water level and the warning water level is of chiefly assignment for the new gauge.

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周六,民政部对超过警戒水位的80条河流发出了警告。On Saturday, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a warning for 80 rivers whose levels had surpassed dangerous points.

防潮警戒水位核定工作是一项以自然科学为基础并且广泛涉及社会和管理科学的技术课题。Based on the natural science, determination for the warning tidal level is involved with social and management science.

如果这个时候开启三堡排涝工程,较快就能让运河水位降到警戒水位之下。If Sanbao Drainage Works were opened at that moment, the water level of the canal could be reduced below the warning level.

2005年6月,由于受强盛的西南暖温气流和弱冷空气的共同影响,珠江流域经历了暴雨到大暴雨天气,西江流域中、下游普遍出现了超警戒水位。Because of the powerful warm air current, southwest and weak cold air in June, 2005, the Peal River has gone through the heavy storm weather.

在中国,警告说,南方大雨还在,并且20条河流超过警戒水位,有爆发次生灾害的潜在危险。In China, the government warned of the potential for secondary disasters as heavy rain persisted in the south and 20 rivers hit flood alarm levels.

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当地政府表示,曲江和白河及其支流已超过警戒水位,上千名群众被迫紧急转移。Local authorities said the Qujiang and Bahe rivers and their branches have surpassed their warning water level, forcing thousands of people to evacuate.

昨天密西西比河洪水到达维克斯堡的水位超出警戒水位14.1英尺,但是并没有损坏主堤,也没有淹没整个城市。The Mississippi River crested at Vicksburg yesterday at a record high of 14.1 feet above flood stage, but did not breach the main levee or inundate the city.

中国大范围地区遭遇持续暴雨袭击,河流和水库超过警戒水位,超过100,000人从家中撤离。More than 100,000 people have been moved from their homes in China as heavy rain continues to soak large swaths of the country, swelling rivers and reservoirs.