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延安的知识青年、学生青年、工人青年、农民青年,大家都是团结的。The young intellectuals and students, the young workers and peasants in Yenan are all united.

中国反帝反封建的人民队伍中,有由中国知识青年们和学生青年们组成的一支军队。In the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal ranks of the Chinese people, there is a contingent composed.

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一个知识青年,我就不好在这里有什么说法,总的来说,是一个很精明的生意人!A young intellectuals, I do not have any good argument here, in general, is a very shrewd businessman!

在城市则应首先注意建立工会和团结知识青年的组织。In cities we should, first and foremost, establish trade unions and organizations for uniting educated youth.

时光匆匆过去了两年,轰轰烈烈的知识青年上山下乡运动开始了。Time in a hurry in the past two years, the knowledge of the vigorous youth to the countryside movement began.

在1977年之前,许多来自北京、上海等地的知识青年上山下乡。Before 1977, many young from Beijing, shanghai and other cities, to work in the countryside and in mountainous areas.

他希望知识青年与农民在互相学习中,实现良性互动,进而达到缩小三大差别。Only the educated youth and the farmer learned from each other, could they realize the benign interaction, then reduced"Three Big Differences".

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中国反帝反封建的人民队伍中,有由中国知识青年们和学生青年们组成的一支军队。In the anti-imperialist and anti- feudal ranks of the Chinese people, there is a contingent composed of the country's young intellectuals and students.

许多知识青年遵循新的性道德,开始大胆地与所爱之人不行结婚仪式而共同生活,从而使得民国时期的非婚同居现象一度盛行。In Republican China, many educated young people carried out cohabitation with their beloved without going through a wedding ceremony and marriage certification.

1963年,一批知识青年响应党的号召,怀着绿化祖国,建设海岛的雄心壮志,踏上大鹿岛。In 1963, a batch of educated youth landed in Dalu Island to cater to the calling of the Party and with an ambition to afforest the country and build the sea island.

新的知识青年群体在校园获得西方现代文化资本,并由此沉浸在对于现代的想象和焦虑中。The new youth acquires the western and modem cultural capital in the campus, and sink to immerse from here in for the imagination and worry anxiouslies of the modem.

知识青年上山下乡是好事,农村是个广阔天地,到那里去大有作为。That knowledge youth goes and works in the countryside or mountain areas is a good deed , rural area is a vast world , goes round there to be able to accomplish much.

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新的知识青年群体在校园获得西方现代文化资本,并由此沉浸在对于现代的想象和焦虑中。The new youth acquires the western and modern cultural capital in the campus, and sink to immerse from here in for the imagination and worry anxiouslies of the modern.

从当时时代和知识青年关系看.石评梅离晋赴京应该具有空间性与文化性的双重指向。Shipingmei's behavior of leaving Shanxi to Beijing should have double point of extensity and cultural traits from the relation of epoch of that time and educated youth.

通过对“五四”时期“爱情定则讨论”的考察,可以清楚看到知识青年怎样糅合新旧思想,建构出怪异的双重爱情观。People can know how the intellectual youth merged the new theory and the old though into a strange concept of love with double standard from the Debate on the Principle of Love.

在高加林身上,体现出改革开放初期的乡村知识青年内心的普遍矛盾-精神与实在的矛盾。In Lu Yao's novel Life, Gao Jialin is a leading figure showing the contradiction of spirit and reality-some universal conflicting emotions in the heart of hearts of the rural educated youth.

权威政治体制是否能满足日益增多的知识青年对自由的需求——是否会由此引发冲突。There are questions about whether an authoritarian political regime can put the cap on demands for freedom among its increasingly educated youth – and whether conflicts will arise as a result.

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中央政府在2005年号召知识青年再下乡以解决农村地区的专业知识技能的缺乏问题,缓解城市就业难的压力。The central government issued a circular in 2005 calling on college graduates to seek work experience to reverse the shortage of professionals in rural areas and to ease unemployment in cities.

通过对民国时期关于“爱情定则”大争论的考察,可以清楚地看到,一般知识青年是如何糅合新旧观念,构造出怪异的具有双重爱情选择标准的爱情观。Through the study on the conflict on the principle of love, we can know how the intellectual youth merged the new theory and the old thought into a strange concept of love with double standard.

知识青年、文学青年、编辑、作家、编剧,青年时代的老马和众多蹉跎岁月中成为成功者的人一样,有着被媒体惯称为“传奇”的人生经历。Young intellectuals, literature, youth, editors, writers, screenwriters, the youth, wasted time, Maradona and many people become successful, the media have been used as "legendary" life experiences.