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我选了圆周率的符号。I chose the symbol for pi.

爱情就象圆周率—自然、非理性,却至关重要。Love is like pi¬ —natural , irrational , and VERY important.

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圆周率的平方根的二分之一是多少?How much is one over two times the square usu'sly root of pi?

你希望你的孩子能记住的圆周率位数越多越好。You expect your child to know as many digits of pi as their age.

头顶的星辰给予了古希腊人无穷的数学灵感,但是他们可能从未想过能利用星星来计算圆周率。The stars overhead inspired the ancient Greeks, but they probably never used them to calculate pi.

当然,贝拉德要求助于电脑,不过你也可以用最简单的办法在自家客厅计算圆周率,所用材料只是几根针和一张横格纸。He used a computer, but you can also calculate pi at home with some needles and a sheet of lined paper.

应该是半径为1角度为,弧度为2比圆周率的一半,稍微多一点。Different understandings of what that piece means gives you different values, and that's a bit of a problem.

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这个12岁的天才在2周内自学了微积分、代数和几何学,可以计算圆周率到200位。The 12-year-old taught himself calculus, algebra and geometry in two weeks, and can solve up to 200 numbers of Pi.

我在虚拟现实界面中查询,发现这道数字瀑布在展示组成圆周率的无限数字序列的一部分。I queried the VR interface and discovered the numberfall was displaying part of the infinite sequence of digits that makes up pi.

我想选3、7、22或227,因为在估计圆周率时要用到它们,但其他一些学生肯定有同样的想法。I wanted to choose 3, 7, 22 or 227 because they are used when estimating pi, but some other students must have had the same idea.

这是根据他使用的方法在计算圆周率的价值和数量方面的后代能够知道和使用的圆圈更准确。It was according to the methods he used in calculating the pi value and the sphere volume that posterity was able to know and use the circle more accurately.

但其中的痴迷河图洛书,对祖冲之圆周率的错误批判,又反映出朱载堉作为古代学人的历史局限。However, that he obsessed the Hetu Luoshu and error criticized Zu Chongzhi's circumference ratio reflected Zhu Zaiyu's historical limitation as an ancient scholar.

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世界上第一台地震观测仪的发明,数学领域里对圆周率的精确推算,第一架测天仪的诞生……都遥遥领先于西方千百年。The invention of the first seismograph, accurate calculation of pi in mathematics, creation of the first astronomical instrument, etc. were all centuries ahead of the West.

为了纪念他对圆周率算法所做出的贡献,这次Bellard所使用的改良型查德诺夫斯基方程算法被命名为Bellard算法,这种算法是目前所有圆周率算法中最快的一种。The more optimized Pi algorithm based on the Chudnovsky formula that Mr. Bellard uses is the fastest current way to calculate Pi and has been renamed Bellard's formula in his honor.

1998年愚人节,新墨西哥人科学与推理组织的通讯上刊登的一篇文章中称,美国阿拉巴马州已投票决定,将圆周率值3.14159改为“圣经值”3.0。In 1998, a newsletter titled New Mexicans for Science and Reason carried an article that the state of Alabama had voted to change the value of pi from 3.14159 to the "Biblical value" of 3.0.

因为我们不期望,粒子质量发生变化,我们说的是,它速度的不确定度,乘以它位置的不确定度,比普朗克常量,除以2除以圆周率要大。And since we are not expecting the mass of the particle to change, what we really are saying is the uncertainty in its velocity times the uncertainty in its position is greater than the ratio of the Planck constant divided by 2 pi.