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游开,哦,看,是虾子。Swim away! Oh, look, krill!

那些虾子已经剥过壳了。Those shrimp are already shelled.

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炒虾子是我对喜欢的菜肴。Shrimp in stir fry is my favorite dish.

我希望用虾子酱油蘸着吃。I'd like some shrimp-roe soy sauce with it.

我们吃的是放了牛肉、虾子、鱿鱼和各种蔬菜的火锅。I'll make a pot of tea. The fire is just up.

你们的虾子是论磅还是论斤卖的?。Do you charge for shrimp by pound or by catty?

他买了一条船并试著在海上捕虾子。He brought a ship and tried to shrimp on the sea.

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要知道,晚一秒,虾子就没了啊!To know that one second later, there is no shrimp, ah!

你不知道头和腿没有处理掉的虾子怎么吃。You don't know how to eat shrimps with heads and legs attached.

牡蛎农和虾子农,他们在这里居住了一辈子。Oyster fishermen and the shrimpers that have lived here for ever.

这是虾子蹄筋,是这家饭店的特色菜。It's ox tendon with prawn eggs. It's specialty of this restaurant.

我们吃的是放了牛肉、虾子、鱿鱼和各种蔬菜的火锅。We had a fire pot with beef, shrimp, squid and all kinds of vegetables.

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我太太要熏鲑鱼作开胃菜,但是我想要虾子。For appetizer my wife will have smoked salmon, but I preferashrimp cocktail.

海獭们则是在冰块中翻滚,吃虾子,玩得很高兴。The otters were rolling in ice cubes, eating shrimp and having a good old time.

本发明涉及用牛蒡做成的一种虾子香型牛蒡酱。The invention relates to shrimp egg flavor type burdock sauce made from burdock.

米饭如雪一样白,虾子是火红的,鱼躺在盘子里,惹人怜爱。Rice is as white as snow, is red shrimp, fish lying on a plate, provoking fondly.

虾子的份量比金方虾子面略少,味道清甜。Made with the same ingredients as Shrimp-egg noodles deluxe but with less shrimp roe.

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这是一种由壳聚糖做成的喷雾涂层,壳聚糖是在螃蟹和虾子体内发现的一种物质。It's a spray-on coating made from chitosan—a substance found in crab and shrimp shells.

龙虾,就跟螃蟹和虾子一样,是在海底觅食的,且在全世界都看得到。Lobsters, like shrimp and crabs are bottom feeders and can be found all over the world.

意大利扁面条就拌有墨鱼汁、海鱼和虾子。Pasta dishes like linguine sometimes contain squid ink as well as shellfish and prawns.