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雨后春笋钻出地面。The bamboo shoots in spring crop out after rain.

好主意在这个创意市场上如雨后春笋般涌现。Good ideas rise to the top in this new idea marketplace.

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双边自贸协定的涌现如雨后春笋。Bilateral free-trade agreements are sprouting like weeds.

从花葩山的一方望去,一个雨后春笋的新加坡就这样呈现了。Seeing from one side of Mt. Faber. A booming city shows up.

同性恋酒吧、俱乐部、亲友团及网站如雨后春笋般出现。Gay and lesbian bars, clubs, support groups and websites abound.

而且,路两旁的高楼大厦如雨后春笋拔地而起。Moreover, high-rise buildings springing up along the road going up.

从此,国产电影的产量和票房如雨后春笋——节节上升。Over the years, the production and box office have been on the rise.

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这座城邦在90年代盛极一时,银行如雨后春笋般涌现。That city-state rocked in the '90s, and banks sprung up like palm trees.

购物中心出售时尚成衣,豪华旅馆如雨后春笋。Shopping malls selling designer clothes and luxury hotels have sprung up.

解放后,城市工业雨后春笋般兴起。City industries have sprung up like mushrooms after rain since liberation.

这也就是麦当劳、比萨客、肯德鸡象雨后春笋一样冒出来的原因。That's why McDonald's, Pizza Hut and Kentucky, appear like mushrooms in China.

上网已经变得很普遍了。我们看到新网吧在这个城市如雨后春笋般的出现。Surfing net is becoming very popular. We see new internet bars popping up across the city.

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后来,美芝路的火锅店如雨后春笋般越来越多。At the later stage, more and more steamboat restaurants have sprung along Beach Road, Bugis.

临时售货亭如雨后春笋般出现在各地,售卖从酒到家用电器的各种商品。Makeshift kiosks selling everything from alcohol to household appliances popped up everywhere.

清末民初,随着资本主义在中国萌芽,小米醋作坊也如雨后春笋般林立起来。In the late Qing dynasty and the early Republican China, workshops of millet vinegar sprang up.

改革开放20多年,大中城市的建筑如雨后春笋般拔地而起。Reforming and opening 20 old, big in if urban building unplugs like emerge the ground and case.

整个行业的搜索引擎优化已如雨后春笋般冒出来,帮助企业上升到顶端。An entire industry of search engine optimizers has sprung up to help businesses rise to the top.

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相反在另一群人中间却掀起了虔诚的热潮,最具代表的就是大大小小的教堂若雨后春笋般兴建。The counter-reaction was a rush of piety, exemplified in a wave of church- and chantry-building.

随着社会的进步,非义务阶段的民办学校,如职业技术学校等在我国如雨后春笋般兴起。With the advancement of our society, our private schools at non-obligatory stage appear quickly.

19世纪中期,至少有100个实验性的公社在年轻的美利坚合众国中,如雨后春笋般萌芽般诞生。At least 100 experimental communes sprang up across the young American republic in the mid-1800s.