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李氏一生未实现济苍海,安社稷的宏大理想。Lee Ji-life unrealized Sea, the state-an ambitious goals.

你说,为了国家社稷,祖国河山,我需要作出牺牲。You say, for the nation, the motherland, I need to make a sacrifice.

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社稷民生未来福祉,我心时刻记挂思念!"Always on my mind" for the long-term future fortune of social livelihood!

土地是民之根本,关乎到国家社稷、社会安定。Land is root of the people which determines the nation and social stability.

他风流不羁,放浪于烟花柳巷,无心社稷,专于才情,青楼是他创作的源泉。His dissolute unruly, turn to the brothels, careless, specializing in talent, is he a source of creation.

自万历皇帝幼年起,群臣就寄予了他中兴社稷的殷切厚望,及时对其进行有关君德治道的培养。Since Emperor Wanli was young, scholar-bureaucrats had placed great hope on him to develop the state vigorously.

巴勒斯坦人认为养孩子能防老,而且会有越来越多的年轻人为巴勒斯坦的国家社稷而奋斗。Palestinians say that large families will help them cope as they age, and more children mean more fighters for their cause.

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后者体现在封神榜象征、道教象征、太极图象征和山河社稷图象征等。The later is largely embodied in the symbols of apotheosis, Taoism and two pictures named after Taiji and the land of country.

中国古代只有“民”的概念而没有“人”的概念,“民”作为概念和范畴其意义是在和“君”以及“社稷”的相互关系中确定的。The concept and connotation of "citizen"were determined in regarding to its relationship with the "emperor"and"state and society".

围绕着居住在首尔钟路区社稷洞908号的一家七口人而展开了一系列啼笑皆非的家庭情景喜剧。Revolves around living in Seoul-dong, Jongno-boat No. 908 family of seven persons who launched a series of ironic that the family sitcom.

鼎为中国古代炊食器,提起鼎,人们首先想到的是政权和社稷,鼎可以说是中华文化的一种象征。When mentioned about the copper Ding, people would first think about regime and country. The copper Ding was the symbol of Chinese culture.

安史之乱中,回鹘汗国倾其全部兵力,助唐平定了叛乱,为大唐江山社稷立下了再造之功。An Shih Rebellion. the strong Uighur empire went all out to help Tang to put down the rebellion, so made a great contribution to the Tang Dynasty.

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董仲舒以“三纲”代替“德”成为法律价值标准,并强调“正礼义”治民以安社稷。Dong Zhongshu considers "three cardinal guides" instead of "virtue" as legal standard, and emphasizes the state is managed with moral code and justice.

此次他决心完成这个关系到江山社稷的秘密任务,恢复家族荣誉。This he is determined to finish this private job that matters to country the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state, restore familial honor.

可是,老子却非常清楚,这些道德标准,都是少数几个聪明的统治者,为求社稷安定、人民团结、以及顺利推行政务等而创造出来的工具。Nevertheless, Laotse knew it clear that the criteria are tools that were created by clever rulers for social stability, solidarity and implementation of policy.

宋代东海神崇拜与祭祀日隆,就与庇佑社稷和护卫海上交通有关。The worship and sacrifices to the East Sea God becoming more and more prosper in the Song Dynasty related with the wish of blessing and protection the traffic on the sea.

确立社稷崇拜,将始祖稷作为农业神与土地神一同尊奉,体现了以周王朝为代表的华夏农业文化和宗法文化的结合。The commemoration of the land gods and the agriculture gods showed the fundamental characteristic of Zhou that was combined with the agriculture and the patriarchal culture.

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他曾在越南英勇作战,回国后出任过检察官和副州长,在美国参议院度过了20个春秋,把全部精力都投入到国家社稷大业之中。From his heroic service in Vietnam, to his years as a prosecutor and lieutenant governor, through two decades in the United States Senate, he has devoted himself to this country.

科尔沁文化内涵丰富,里面蕴含着“崇尚英雄”、“辅佐社稷”、“追求发展”、“热爱故乡”、“保护生态”、“坚忍不拔”等人文思想。Kerqin culture has rich connotation, which includes ideas of "worshiping heroes", "assisting country", "pursuing development", "loving hometown", "protecting ecology" and "perseverance".

在中国历史上,关注社稷的盛衰、追求民族的兴盛,是民族精神的体现,成为民族史学优良传统。Paying attention to rise and fall of the state and pursuing national prosperity are the expression of Chinese national spirit historically and the fine tradition of national historiography.