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如果愿意,他们可以暴饮暴食,增加体重。They can overeat and gainweight if they want to.

暴饮暴食有妨你的健康。It's no good for your health to surfeit yourself.

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得过夸希奥科病的人就不会这样暴饮暴食。Kwashiorkor survivors did not overeat in this way.

而且还可以防止自己不在中饭和晚饭暴饮暴食。It might also prevent food binges at lunch or dinner.

控制食欲。暴饮暴食堵塞身心。Control appetite . Overindulgence clogs boby and mind.

暴饮暴食曾被称为肉体的堕落。Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices.

当初人们为什么会暴饮暴食,染上烟瘾酒瘾?Why do people overeat, or smoke or drink in the first place?

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幸运的是,在火鸡日那天暴饮暴食没什么丢人的。Fortunately, there's no shame in over-eating on "Turkey Day".

你节食一周,但是又在周末暴饮暴食You "Diet" During The Week -- But Go Hog Wild On The Weekends

许多人,尤其是女性,以暴饮暴食来排解压力。Many people, especially women, deal with stress by overeating.

今年,不要再因为“我累了”,“我烦了”,“我太饥渴了”或者“我太焦虑了”等等原因去暴饮暴食!Don’t eat because you’re tired, bored, thirsty, or anxious this year!

如过度消费,暴饮暴食,抽烟或者其它任何的坏习惯。Such as overspend, overeat, smoke cigarettes, or any other bad habit.

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在爱情中,如同暴饮暴食,快乐的关键在于毫厘不差的精准。In love, as in gluttony, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision.

有时,她会在暴饮暴食后使用泻剂,以避免体重增加。On occasion, she has used laxatives after binging to avoid gaining weight.

怎样才能控制住即将到来的暴饮暴食呢?So what can be done to keep the gluttony under something resembling control?

暴饮暴食是绝对减不了肥的,也是不利于健康的。Over-eating is absolutely do not reduce fat, also is not conducive to health.

渴望通常只会愈演愈烈,"她说,"它会导致暴饮暴食。""A craving usually just gets worse," She says,” and it could lead to binging.

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渴看通常只会愈演愈烈,“她说,”它会导致暴饮暴食。“"A craving usually just gets worse, " She says, "and it could lead to binging.

饥饿激素的几种变异基因和暴饮暴食有着一定的联系。Several variants in the ghrelin gene have been linked with binge-eating disorder.

规律饮食可避免出现由于隔餐饮食出现的暴饮暴食。Regular meals avoid the irritability and overeating that can come from skipping meals.