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氧化铝,铝加上氧。Aluminum oxide, aluminum plus oxygen.

酸性最低的氧化铝触媒只产生环己烯。The least acidic aluminas give only cyclohexene.

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窗框和百叶窗的阳极氧化铝。Window frames and shutters are anodised aluminium.

2吨的氧化铝约可生产1吨的电解铝.Two tonnes of alumina can produce one tonne of aluminium.

本法制备的氧化铝超细粒子粒径在0。Al2O3 ultrafine powder obtained by this method have about 0.

用烧结法生产喷涂氧化铝。Production of alumina for sputtering with sintering process.

但是,氧化铝层剥落的温度升高。However, the alumina layers spall as the temperature increases.

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赤泥是氧化铝生产中产生的废弃物。Red Mud is a waster material formed during the production of alumina.

通用输送机,价格具有竞争力,阳极氧化铝制造。Universal Conveyor, competitively priced, made of anodized aluminium.

铝合金框架完成了阳极氧化铝涂层或白色粉末。Aluminium frame finished in anodised aluminium or powder coated white.

小组保留在暴露缎面阳极氧化铝框架边缘。Panels retained within exposed satin anodised aluminium edge of frame.

在草酸电解液中,用阳极氧化法制备了多孔氧化铝。Porous alumina was prepared by anodization in oxalic acid electrolyte.

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超声波振荡检测了氧化铝涂层的附着牢固度。The fastness degree of coating was determined by ultrasonic vibration.

而管的外径则由阳极氧化铝模板的孔径来决定。The outer diameter of the tubes is determined by the AAO pore diameter.

赤泥是铝土矿提炼氧化铝过程中产生的废弃物,产量巨大。Red Mud is the waste of the alumina industry, which yield is tremendous.

超细氢氧化铝具有许多优点,应用广泛。The super-fine aluminium hydroxide is widely used due to its advantages.

绿蓝色颜料,主要含有氧化钴和氧化铝。Greenish-blue pigment consisting essentially of cobalt oxide and alumina.

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吸附式干燥机一般采用硅胶、活性氧化铝、分子筛作为干燥剂。Adsorption dryer by silica gel, activated alumina, zeolite as a desiccant.

GEHO隔膜泵是氧化铝溶出工序中的重要设备。GEHO diaphragm pump is an important equipment in alumina separating process.

硅酮密封胶对阳极氧化铝的黏结质量千差万别。The quality of silicone sealant adhesion to anodized aluminum varies widely.