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但不要过分依仗它,灵活运用就是了。And don't overdo it.

豁达一点,灵活一点。Be open, be flexible.

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锯架升降灵活方便。Flexible adopts frame saws.

那轮子现在转动得很灵活。The wheel turns freely now.

吉姆是个头脑灵活的孩子。Jim is a boy with quick wits.

自动装置运转很灵活。The automatic works very well.

灵活是幽暗而郁悒。And the day is dark and dreary.

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IBM日本鼓励灵活工作时间。IBM Japan encourages flexitime.

专利的灵活多变设计。The Patented Flexi-System Design.

我发现这个女孩头脑灵活。I find the girl has a lively mind.

使整个结构保持灵活。Keep the whole structure flexible.

有些人可能会说它太过灵活。Some would say it is too flexible.

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她能灵活运用掌握的大量英语辞汇。She has a large English at command.

那只狡猾的狐狸灵活地躲避开那群狗。The sly fox nimbly eluded the dogs.

这门的绞链转动很灵活。The door turns easily on its hinges.

灵活的,非标记的橡胶外底。Flexible, non-marking rubber outsole.

淳朴与诚实被讽刺为灵活幼稚。And simple truth miscall'd simplicity.

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机智灵活和奇异风格,泰华!Quick wit and fantastic style, Taehwa!

硬性指不灵活或非常严格。Rigid means inflexible or very strict.

测试丹麦的“灵活保障”制度Testing Denmark's 'Flexicurity' System