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我写给他的信由李同志转交。I wrote to him care of Comrade Li.

慷慨的赏赐,却不予转交?The bounteous largess given thee to give?

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那交给你转交给别人的厚礼?The bounteous largess given thee to give?

不要使用邮政信箱或转交地址。Do not use a P. O. box or in-care-of address.

我们会将最好的建议转交丹•威尔伯。We'll pass the best comments on to Dan Wilbur.

高街16号玛丽琼斯转交戴维史密斯。David Smith, care of Mary Jones, 16, High Street.

它使用的锥齿轮转交权力交给道具。It used bevel gears to transmit power to the prop.

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维尼请他转交礼物给欧巴马的太太与小孩。Venne presented gifts to Obama for his children and wife.

相反,vliw芯片将此负担的大部分转交给了编译器。Instead, VLIW chips shift more of that burden onto compilers.

朴贤秀留下一封信,托一位奶奶帮他转交恩东。PiaoXianXiu left a letter, a grandma helped him over the east.

起初,顺德和诸城将公司转交给现有的职工。At first Shunde and Zhucheng turned their firms over to employees.

他搬家时告诉我,把他的信转交到他的新地址去。He told me to send his letters on to his new address when he moved.

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弹劾案在众议院通过后即转交参议院审理。If the House votes for impeachment, the case then goes to the Senate.

然而,他们不转交这些叶绿体下一代。However, they do not transfer these chloroplasts to the next generations.

戴秉国转交了胡锦涛主席致希拉克总统的信。Dai Bingguo forwarded a letter for President Chirac by President Hu Jintao.

很少有人认为军方会真正将权力转交给一个平民政府。Few believe the military will really hand over power to a civilian government.

你让自己转交给你父亲地邮件,自己会尽快打印出来地。You let me turn to your father's e-mail, I will print out as soon as possible.

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我将继续支持一本沙县年鉴,并且转交实践的环境论。I would stick with A Sand County Almanac, and pass on Hands-On Environmentalism.

省级外经贸行政部门在接到申请后,应将其中下列文件转交同级劳动保障行政部门Upon receiving such applications, Provincial Foreign Trade Departments should pass

这具具有三千年历史的空棺材位于转交仪式的会场中心。The empty 3,000-year-old sarcophagus was at the center of a transfer ceremony as U.