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我向他宣读了“取缔闹事法”。I read him the riot act.

外面是一片聚众闹事的景象。It's a mob scene out there.

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他们在大街上闹事。They rioted in the streets.

他们还要继续闹事吗?Were they in for more aggro?

周五那里总是有人聚众闹事。It's always mobbed on Fridays.

这是“不要闹事”的官方说法。This is party-speak for “do not make trouble”.

偷窃、赌博、酗酒闹事、斗殴。Stealing, gambling, drunken behavior, fighting.

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你别找茬儿闹事,要不然我就叫警察了!Don't give me any aggro or I'll call the police!

他是那种爱闹事的人.He's the sort of person who always mdkes trouble.

一群暴徒在要道聚众闹事。Rowdy mobs gathered in the leading thoroughfares.

心怀不满的工人们在大街上闹事。The unsatisfied workers are rioting in the streets.

防暴警察驱散了人群但没有逮捕闹事球迷。Police in riot gear dispersed the crowd but made no arrests.

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他拿了一把剑试图保护自己的店不受闹事暴徒的打砸。He used a sword to try to defend his shop from a rampaging mob.

他猛推了T-Bag一把,一个警卫警告他们退后,不要闹事。He shoves T-Bag back, hard, until a guard warns them both to stand down.

他鸠集数人在市政府门口聚众闹事。He gathered a group of people and caused trouble in front of the city hall.

梁思敏第一次当班就赶上了一起工厂闹事。Liang ran into a riot in a factory when she was on duty for the first time.

古巴难民不再聚众闹事,所以对他来说,古巴难民的问题只是个小问题。The Cubans weren’t rioting anymore, so they were the least of his problems.

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邓老对于学生在广场闹事的意见,有著一槌定音的作用。Dumbledore's opinion in dealing the Time Square student protest was a show-stopper.

这其实是某几个业主在某个公司的利益驱使下,煽动闹事。This is actually a few owners in a company's interest-driven, incited disturbances.

警方拘捕了这些聚众闹事的刁棍。The police have arrested these artful rascals who gathered together to make trouble.