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他将自由的转移到英国南部的军港城市。He moves to Pompey on a free.

军港的夜啊静悄悄。Oh, the naval port at night is quiet!

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他们夺回军港中的一个要塞。They retook a fortress in the naval port.

中国北方军港,清朝北洋水师基地。Naval port in northern China, the Qing northern naval base.

我还听说,旅顺是渤海的“咽喉地带”,也是我国北方重要的军港。Yuanyuan, I find you do know a lot whenever we talk about Lushun Harbor.

郑和"号于26日下午从旅顺军港启航,搭载来自4所海军院校的230名学员和青年军官,包括16名女性学员。The Zhenghe departed from the Lvshun military harbor on Monday afternoon.

救援船尽快地驶离军港去执行任务。The rescue ship departed from the naval port as quickly as possible for a mission.

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笔者在中国北部的大连军港亲眼看到了它的完工。This writer has been observing its completion at the northern Chinese port of Dalian.

我小时候,去大连的军港旅顺口,到那里留下了一张纪念的照片。My childhood, to the military port of Dalian Lushunkou, there left a commemorative photo.

老头希望曼联能在负于军港后快速反弹。Sir Alex Ferguson expects United to bounce back after the disappointment of defeat against Portsmouth.

中国航空母舰辽宁舰首次靠泊青岛某军港。Chinese aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, has anchored for the first time in its military port in Qingdao.

这个大型军港将建在北方四岛中的择捉岛的单冠湾。The large military port will be built in the four northern islands in the single crown Etorofu Island Bay.

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但同时,他们对将那些海港建成军港没有丝毫兴趣,至少现在看来是这样。But at the same time, they have no interest whatsoever, at least now, of making those into ports for the Chinese navy.

军港的夜啊静悄悄,海浪把战舰轻轻地摇,年轻的水兵头枕着波涛,睡梦中露出幸福的微笑。Naval port night ah quiet, The waves gently rocking the ship, Young sailors head the waves, Sleeping exposed happy smile.

军港的夜啊静悄悄,海浪把战舰轻轻地摇,年轻的水兵头枕着波涛,睡梦中露出甜美的微笑。Card naval port night ah quiet, The waves gently rocking the ship, Young sailors head the waves, Asleep exposed sweet smile.

对于海军基地来说,这里的地理位置极佳,新基地的面积也远大于附近的榆林军港。It's an ideal place for a naval base, and a significant expansion compared to the nearby naval base in the port city of Yulin.

旅顺口是渤海的“咽喉地带”,它就像一座天然的屏障,将军港环抱在臂弯之中。Lushun is billed as the throat of the Bohai Sea. The mountains on both sides are natural barriers embracing a naval base inside.

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军港的夜啊静悄悄,海浪把战舰轻轻地摇,年轻的水兵头枕着波涛,睡梦中露出甜美的微笑。Naval port night ah quiet, the waves gently rocking the warships, the young sailors head the waves, sleeping exposed sweet smile.

小城格尔居克市坐落于海湾南部海岸线上,是一座海军军港和另一家汽车工厂的所在地。The smaller city of Gölcük on the southern shoreline of the Gulf is the location of a Turkish naval facility and another automobile factory.

俄罗斯与朝鲜在远东太平洋地区只有小部分地区接壤,俄罗斯军港城市符拉迪沃斯托克距离北朝鲜只有93英里。Russia shares a tiny border with North Korea in its Pacific far east, with the Russian naval port city of Vladivostok only 93 miles from North Korea.