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也许是我身上凯尔特人的性格在作祟。Perhaps it's the Celt in me.

这又是贪婪在作祟。This, again, is greed at play.

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只不过她的占有欲又在作祟而已。Just more of her possessiveness.

否则它会在夜间作祟。Otherwise it will haunt thee in the night.

电脑又死机了——不会是病毒在作祟吧?The computer is freezing up, again -- is it a virus?

目前,专家初步判定,这是“生存基因”作祟。As of now, experts believed it is a genetic mutation.

我加入这研讨会纯粹出于好奇心的作祟。I had enrolled in the seminar out of sheer curiosity.

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这就是作祟与民主党黑人总统的幽灵。This, then, is the spectre that haunts the Democrats.

丶没有谁放不下谁,只是你心里的不甘在作祟。No one can not let go, who, just your heart from the unwilling.

你打算象那个在森林里作祟的黑男人一样纠缠着我们吗?Art thou like the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us?

耐不住往昔的落寞,小雨开始作祟,从容而淡定。Unable to bear lonely past, a light rain began work, calm and stable.

因为权欲作祟,将军密谋推翻政府。Greedy for power, the general plotted a plan to knock down the government.

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尽管有枪支问题作祟,我在新罕布什尔州还是获得了比1992年新增了10%的支持率。Despite the gun issue, I also gained 10 percent over my 92 margin in New Hampshire.

若非这个信念作祟,浮华虚夸就显得毫无意义,你也不可能去追求它。Without this belief grandiosity is meaningless, and you could not possibly want it.

一些女丫头以为是熊妖作祟,有人提议请法师来驱妖。Some female girl thought it was the bear demon, a proposal please mage to drive the demon.

闲置地本质上是二元土地制度的产物,也是投机因素作祟的结果。The dualistic land system and the speculative factors are the basic causes of the idle land.

微软的有些产品发布差强人意,背后也许就是这些文化问题在作祟。These culture problems are presumably behind some of the company's sub-par product releases.

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中国人的传统观念在作祟,就是有房才有家。Because in traditional Chinese's view, if you do not have house you won't have a real family.

他们发现,事实上,有时候正是你的意志力作祟,才让你陷入这些不良行为的。In fact, it turns out that sometimes it's having willpower that really gets you into trouble.

终究是冤鬼借尸还魂还是碟仙作祟,整个校园都堕入惶恐迷惑之中。What is the cause devils rebirthing or disc fairy ultra-left, whole campus into fear confusing in.