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这会是他们人生的转捩点吗?Will this be a turning point in their lives?

亿婷,让我的人生有了转捩点。Yi Teng, Have let my life have turning point.

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事情的转捩点在什么时候?When did the turning points occur in this story?

窃以为这在希拉里-柯林顿的一生中可谓一个转捩点。It was, I suspect, a turning point in Clinton's life.

转捩点是发生在2003的两件不甚受瞩目的事件。The turnaround began with two little-noted events in 2003.

"这可能是美元的转捩点,"Xiong说."That could be the turning point for the dollar," he added.

在此我们看到由精神分析论述研究的这个转捩点。Here we see the turning point investigated by analytic discourse.

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轮子的发明是人类史上第二大转捩点。The invention of the wheel was the second great divide in human history.

培理叩关在哪些方面是德川幕府晚期历史的转捩点?In what ways was the coming of Perry a turning point in late Tokugawa history?

你应该被问过同样问题很多次,但什麽是你人生的转捩点?You must have gotten this question many times, but what was your turning point in life?

罗斯福新政的支持者把这一银行假日视为大萧条的转捩点。Roosevelt’s New Dealers regarded the bank holiday as the turning point of the Depression.

直到十四世纪时,在奥卡姆的威廉的著作中才到达一个转捩点。A turning point was reached in the fourteenth century in the writings of William of Ockham.

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为朋友祈祷,成为转捩点,苦尽甘来。He prayed for his friends and turned things around, enjoyed happiness after long suffering.

目前要判断这是转捩点,或只是天候较暖的结果,仍为时仍早.It is much too early to tell if this is a turning point or simply due to some warmer weather.

随攻角的增大,转捩点从后沿移向前沿。With the increase of attack angle, the transiton point moves from the frailing edge to leading edge.

底比斯一个精锐兵团击溃斯巴达军队的右翼,是这场战争的转捩点。The turning point in the battle came when an elite Theban military unit broke the Spartan right wing.

腓利一生的转捩点,在于他认识基督之后,决意在任何境况、任何地方事奉祂。It all began because Philip had found Christ and was willing to serve Him in any capacity and anywhere.

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该公司的数据将会是扭转人们极度悲观看法的转捩点,甚至有可能转为极度乐观.It's going to be a data point that causes people to flip from probably extreme pessimism to extreme optimism.

居住在其他半球,则是内在反省和正面成长时机的最高转捩点。Living in either hemisphere, the solstice turning points are a time for inner reflection and positive growth.

部份转捩点是学习在情报、时间和资源不足的情况下做出决定。Part of the changemaking journey is learning to make decisions with incomplete information time and resources.