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史密斯先生,这是一则观众须知。Mr. Smith, it is a notic to th audinc.

须知改革向来就没有一帆风顺的。The reform have been not problem-free notes.

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请仔细阅读背面使用须知!Please read the fine-print on the back carefully.

学习须知,你可以在清单上看到Requirements. You can see this on the sheets too.

一点小须知常胜过很多有价值的学问。A horful of common sense is worth buherl of learning.

填写本表格前请细阅学生须知。Please read the Student Notice before completing this form.

须知,现在最先进的刹车系统最多只能产生大约1个负重力加速度的减速能力。Modern cars brake with a maximum of roughly 1 G of deceleration.

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任何意见、估计或预测均可在毋须知会下作出修改。Any opinions, estimates or forecasts may be changed without notice.

投标人同意投标人须知中第15.7条关于没收投标保证金的规定。That, pursuant to ITB Clause 15.7, its Bid Security may be forfeited.

请细阅附页注册须知,然后填写本注册表格。Please read enclosed Registration Information before fill-in this form.

填写前请参阅申请须知和展览节目表。Please refer to the attached notes of application and exhibition schedule.

填写前本表格请先细阅第三至五页的申请须知。Please read the Notes on Application on p. 3-5 before filling in this form.

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填写本表前请先细阅附页之申请须知。Please refer to the attached Notes on Application before filling in this form.

本中心保有依现场实际情况增列或修改本使用须知规定之权利。The Center has the right to alter the rules according to actual site situation.

填写本申请表前,请先阅讀附页的「须知事项」。Please read "Notes For Attention" attached before completing this application form.

填写表格前请细阅下页之「报名须知」。Please read the Application Guidelines on the other page before completing this form.

⊙、人生须知负责任的苦处,才能知道尽责任的乐趣。Notice responsible hardship of life in order to know all about the fun of responsibility.

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读“家庭安全须知”。然后找出与这些建议相配的图画。Read the notice"Safety in the home". Then find pictures that go with the pieces of advice.

除了内睡衣和饰品以外,所有商品皆可退货。退货规则请参考退换货须知。All products are returnable except underwear and accessories. Pls refer to return conditions.

现在我们的乘务员将在机舱内向您演示安全须知信息,请您留意。Now we'll demonstrate the in-flight safety information, please pay attention to our cabin crew.