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第三章都是关于近代的内容。The third chapter is pre-modern stuff.

王季烈是近代著名曲家。Wang Jilie is an important master in Qu.

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木通口一叶,日本近代著名的女作家。Higuchiichiyo is a modern Japanese writer.

不过这当中有一些是相当近代的传统。But some of these are quite recent traditions.

点石斋是近代较为典型的书局。Was a typical modern spin vegetarian bookstore.

王韬形成了自己的办报理论与新闻思想,是中国近代报刊思想的奠基人。He was one of the founders of TCM in the new China.

近代国家有其特定的历史规定性。Modern state has its special historical definition.

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近代物理真正告诉了我们什么东西?And, what does modern physics really have to give us?

郭嵩焘在近代学术史上的意义。Third, Guo's significance in modern academic history.

仿古建筑是近代一种集体无意识的现象。Archaize building is a neoteric unconscious phenomenon.

丁瑞东画室,现代艺术画廊,近代美术。Ding Ruidong Studio, Gallery of Modern Art, Modern Art.

近代以来,中国人民遭受的苦难太深重了。The Chinese people had suffered too much in modern times.

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但是进入近代以来其发展的道路是十分曲折的。But in the modern histry it was very difficult to develop.

近代中国社会变动之剧烈古未有之。Modern Chinese society has never changed so tempestuously.

所以此时并没有近代意义上的中等学校。At this time there is no sense of the modern middle school.

近代产蛋品系的培育,目的是为了高产蛋量。The modern laying strains are bred for high egg production.

他的思想的前近代性质应该是不容质疑的。There is doubt that his ideal antedates the modern society.

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鸦片烟毒曾写就了近代中国一段折人心脾的历史。To forbid opium is the encouraging history of modern China.

前一种情形曾发生在近代中国。A kind of ex- situation once took place in modern age China.

有擅长近代英语的同学能回答我吗Does anyone know Elizabethan English well enough to tell me?