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这些血管是两个大动脉。These vessels are the two main arteries.

瓜达尔正好位于中国重要的石油大动脉上。Gwadar lies right on China’s vital oil artery.

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中间的大动脉显示更多、大的斑块。The aorta in the middle shows many more larger plaques.

我们要在窦管脊上横切大动脉。We're gonna transect the great arteries at the sino-tubular ridge.

大动脉炎是我国北方比较常见的一种临床疾病。Takayasu's arteritis is a common clinical disease in Norh of China.

大动脉病变较小动脉病变组预后差。The large artery pathology is worser than the prognosis of small artery.

目的研究多发性大动脉炎的彩色多普勒超声诊断价值。Objective To study the value of Color Doppler sonographic on aortoarteritis.

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药物洗提类支架可以缓慢释放药物,使得大动脉不再次变窄。Drug-eluting stents release medication that keeps the artery from narrowing again.

目的探讨重症头臂型大动脉炎的诊断和治疗方案。Objective To evaluate the diagnosis for and treatment of severe Takayasu′s arteritis.

落地时的冲力通过身体破坏大动脉和心房。The impact travelling up through thebody can also burst the aorta and heart chambers.

雌激素帮助大动脉保持张开状态,将含氧富足的血液运向胎儿。Oestrogen helps to keep open the main artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to the foetus.

目的探讨多发性大动脉炎累及冠状动脉的临床特点。Objective To explore the clinical features of Takayasu arteritis involving coronary arteries.

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心脏支架可以使那些因为冠状动脉疾病变窄或被阻塞的大动脉打开恢复功能。Stents open arteries that have become narrowed or blocked because of coronary artery disease.

上海高架道路是城市交通的大动脉,其地位十分重要。The viaducts are arteries for urban traffic in Shanghai so they are of fundamental importance.

水果和蔬菜是全面的抗氧化营养素,可保护心脏及大动脉。Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidant nutrients that protect the heart and its arteries.

南同蒲铁路纵贯县境中部,是灵石县对外交通的大动脉。South County Tongpu railway runs through the middle of Lingshi County are outbound traffic artery.

然而,小的深部脑梗死经常与同侧颅内外大动脉病变同时存在。However, small deep cerebral infarcts with ipsilateral large cerebral artery disease are often observed.

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铁路是国家的重要基础设施、国家的大动脉、大众化交通工具。Railway is the country's vital infrastructure, the country's main artery, the popular means of transport.

三堡排涝工程就像是给运河增加了一条排涝的大动脉,效果是立竿见影的。The effect of Sanbao Drainage Works, which adds a big artery for drainage to the Grand Canal, is instant.

上海地铁,都市的名片,300万乘客熙来攘往的大动脉,今天开始,期待您的创意。Shanghai Metro, the city's cards, 300 million passengers bustling artery, today, look forward to your ideas.