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他们分成两组,向两个火力点发起突击。These were split into two groups who stormed the two fire bases.

他把枪口对准他刚才见过的日本人的火力点,打了一梭子。He directed it to where he had seen the Japanese gunfire and loosed a volley.

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救赎者级兰德掠袭者是完全独立的,因此,它没有任何火力点。The Land Raider Redeemer is totally self-contained and as such has no fire points.

没有得到他们的孩子也在火力点响应得到的火力的子节点的名字吗?Get Firebase child nodes' names without getting their children too in Firebase response?

英军17磅反坦克炮射程略微增加以弥补火力点本身的大体积。British 17 pounder AT gun has its range increased marginally to account for the size of its emplacement.

一些由英国火力点被美军或者敌军占领导致的界面错误修正。Several UI bugs were fixed when British emplacements were taken over by non-British allied or enemy forces.

德国人利用碉堡——也就是混凝土机枪火力点——发展出了极为精妙的防御体系。The Germans evolved an extremely elaborate defense system using pillboxes, i.e., concrete shelters for machine guns.

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我看,聪明一点的办法是利用这些岩石给挺抢修一个隐蔽得很好的火力点,而不要筑一个正式的掩体。I suppose it's smarter to use these rocks and build a good blind for this gun than to make a proper emplacement for it.

在这种大气层内飞行器扁平的腹部,有成排的火力点,能向远距离目标发射导弹和炸弹。The atmospheric vehicle's flat underbelly is lined with ordnance pods, capable of unleashing rockets and bombs at distant targets.

一架风暴型兰德速攻艇可以根据作战目标需求作为移动火力点、突击运输和隐秘潜入机体来使用。A Landspeeder Storm can be used as a mobile firebase, assault transport or stealth insertion craft as the combat objective dictates.

学衡派对新诗的批评,是与五四新文化派论争交锋的火力点,这种批评常与西方现代诗歌特别是意象主义和象征主义关联。The focus of contest between the May 4th new culture school and Xue Heng School is the criticism by Xue Heng School on New Chinese Poetry.

每个引导者必须集中火力点杀。建议分散以减少群发暗影箭造成的伤害。Each channeler must be tanked and focus-fired down. It is recommended to spread them around the room so their shadow volleys do not overlap.

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是的,拜纳姆在拥有众多火力点的湖人也算是球队进攻的第三选择,而来自奥登的进攻在赛季的前半段可能将是可有可无的。Yes, Bynum is at best the third option on a stacked Lakers front line, but Oden probably will be an offensive afterthought the first half of the season.

在对阵汉诺威和马竞的比赛中,范佩西是进攻的主火力点,处于支援位置的本特纳担任副攻。Against Hannover and Atlético, Robin van Persie was the focal point of the attack – he was preferred to Nicklas Bendtner, who played in one of the support roles.

它是有能力控制顺序注射对4,6,8,10和12缸发动机和直接火力点火发动机6缸,或浪费火花点火发动机上多达12个汽缸。It is capable of controlling sequential injection on 4,6,8,10 & 12 cylinder engines and direct fire ignition for engines up to 6 cylinders, or wasted spark ignition on engines up to 12 cylinders.