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一道流星,倏然而逝。A meteor shot across the sky and vanished.

“但到了冬季,德里的污染水平倏然暴涨,达到了相当高的水平”。It is winter pollution in Delhi andthe sudden spikes in pollution levels that are quite high.

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将你的注意力聚焦于现在,倏然你即从过去脱身开去。Take your attention into present, and immediately the past no longer has that power over you.

龙捲风以无道路寻找最近的道路,不知在何处倏然终止它的搜寻。The hurricane seeks the shortest road by the no-road, and suddenly ends its search inthe nowhere.

倏然,他站起身来。争吵不休的朝臣们纷纷看向他。Shu although, his station is began. The courtiers quarreling endlessly see in succession toward him.

他的衣服和皮肤倏然脱落,仅剩一堆白骨,在月光下闪闪发亮。Gone were his clothes and his skin. All that was left was a man with white bones shining in the moonlight.

这个繁荣于地中海东部、令人叹为观止的古文明,在约三千五百年前倏然而止。Until about 3,500 years ago, a spectacular ancient civilisation was flourishing in the Eastern Mediterranean.

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日常生活,连同其纷扰、苦痛及倏然之喜乐,乃冥想萌发之土壤。The soil in which the meditative mind can begin is the soil of everyday life, the strife, the pain and the fleeting joy.

中国肴馔之味,恰似中国诗,倘若能一语道破那谜底,倏然间那味就全没了。China Yaozhuan of taste, like Chinese poetry, if that answer can be exposed, Shuran between the taste on the whole did not.

然而,他们醒来的时候,偶尔有一条裙子的悉窣声倏然而逝,而那在梦乡里擦着脸颊的指节也似乎是酣睡者自己的。Occasionally, however, the rustle of a skirt hushes when they wake, and the knuckles brushing a cheek in sleep seem to belong to the sleeper.

爱情像闪电一般倏然而至,像闪光爆裂般触发心弦,它的火焰扩散、弯曲、延展,令你无处躲藏。Love, like lightning hits suddenly. It sparks the heart with blows of light, its fire extending, bends, expands, beats and breaks your hiding places.

它从1958年夏季的迅速兴起到1961年夏季的倏然解散,走过了四载的起伏曲折的历程。In the summer of 1958, The public canteens quickly flourished and quickly dismissed in the summer of 1961. So to speak, they went through a zigzag course for four years.

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玛雅文明的突变式发展和倏然消失至今仍是难以破解的谜题,这使得她成为最引人入胜的古代文明之一。Mayan civilization and the development of mutations Shuran disappear is still difficult to crack the puzzles, which makes her the most fascinating one of the ancient civilization.

裂开的大地倏然合上了,依然是阳光灿烂,绿草如茵,除了天空中还回荡着佩尔塞福涅的呼救声外,好像什么也没发生过。All of the earth suddenly split up, and still are a bright and sunny, green grass and the sky apart from the also echoed Persephone outside crying for help, as if nothing had happened.

而此刻,在离凉亭还有段距离的碎石路上,两条黑影倏然落下,落在了同样的雪袍人影面前。But by the moment, in leaving there creature still a crushed stones road of distance in arbor, two dark eclipse Shus whatever fall in, fall at same sleet tunic shadow of human diagram in front.