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今年她就是在厦门马拉松赛结束后再于伦敦折桂的。This year she is in Xiamen Marathon in London after the end of the title.

一项新的研究表明,“李”并非中国第一大姓,“王”姓出人意料地蟾宫折桂。A new study has debunked the notion that Li is China's most popular surname.

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36岁的诺沃肖洛夫是自1973年以来最年轻的诺贝尔物理学奖折桂人。At 36 years old, Novoselov is the youngest Nobel laureate in physics since 1973.

意大利队是一支对胜利有着强烈渴望的团队。我坚信他们终将折桂。It's a group which still has a lot of will to win and I'm convinced that they will succeed.

丰厚的商业收入帮助皇马再次折桂。Strong commercial income helped Real Madrid to claim top spot again, with overall revenues of €292.2m

中国官方报刊当然会把李娜折桂作为报刊头条,但是它们比我所预想的要略显沉闷。Official Chinese press is of course leading with Li's victory, though less breathless than I'd expected.

纳尼成为队友评选的年度最佳球员,而赫尔南德斯则在球迷投票中折桂。Nani was named players' player of the year, while Javier Hernández took the fans' player of the year title.

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虽然已经有三对中国运动员赢得了大满贯双打冠军,但她第一个折桂单打比赛。Though three Chinese pairs have tasted grand slam doubles glory before, she is the first to do it in singles.

霍亚一共经历45次职业比赛,39胜30KO,曾在6个体重级别折桂。如今,36岁的他依然容光焕发、谈吐得体。De La Hoya is 36, he remains a glib and charismatic figure after a 45-fight career that included 39 victories, 30 knockouts and world championships in six weight classes.

何可欣在高低杠决赛中以16.725分折桂,与美国的柳金得分相同,但是因为何可欣的动作得分近乎完美,所以获得了金牌。He Kexin lifted the uneven bars title. Her score, 16.725 points, was level with that of Nastia Liukin of the US, but she claimed the gold because her execution marks were closer to perfect 10.