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别整天吊儿郎当无所事事。Don't lie about all day.

别吊儿郎当地混时间。Don't lounge away your time.

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别把你的双脚吊儿郎当地搁在椅子上!Don't drape your feet over the chair!

他是个放荡、奢侈、吊儿郎当的人。He is a dissipated, extravagant idler.

组织者下决心不让人成为吊儿郎当的流浪汉。Organizers were determined not to be bums.

像他那种吊儿郎当的人,我实在受不了。I can not stand irresponsible guys like him.

他从来不干什么工作,整天吊儿郎当的。He never does any work, he just fools around all day long.

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如果你整天吊儿郎当,你永远不会快乐。You'll never be happy if you spend all your time goofing off.

如果他一半的时间在吊儿郎当,他决不可能完成他的学业。He'll never get his studying done if he spends half his time goofing off.

吊儿郎当、言行粗鲁的辛万军,胸无大志,终日浑浑恶恶,流连酒吧。Rude words and deeds, aspirations, muddy day muddy evil evil, inside the bars.

村干部说他们不好好生产,吊儿郎当。The village cadre said they did not do productive work, they just fooled around.

如果你在邮件中吊儿郎当,那么人们就会认为你是这样的人。If you are inconsiderate in your email, that's what people will remember about you.

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根叔自告奋勇说帮忙,旁人一看是吊儿郎当的根叔,就把他往外赶。Uncle Gen stepped up to give a hand, but he was chased out right at the moment since he was nothing but a loafer in people's eyes.

他是美国人,就像那些我们经常看到的男男女女一样,他们神情友善,留着长发,吊儿郎当地穿着五颜六色的衣服,在喀布尔城里游荡。He was American, just like the friendly, longhaired men and women we always saw hanging around in Kabul, dressed in their tattered, brightly colored shirts.

一个朋友过去在一家广告公司吊儿郎当地当顾问,几年前得了一笔不少的遗产,辞了职,现在根本不知道拿什么来养家。One of them, who used to be dabble as a consultant at an advertising agency, quit a few years ago with a modest inheritance, and now has simply no idea of what to do to feed his family.

如萱心里其实另有顾虑,进峰吊儿郎当,得过且过的处世态度让她觉得没有安全感,担心会步上母亲的后尘,因为如萱的父亲是个对家庭不负责任的人,最后导致父母离婚收场。It turns out Ru Xuan's parents are divorced as her father is an irresponsible man and she is thus worried about following in her mother's footsteps, seeing how seemingly laid-back Jing Feng is.