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成熟红果和香料的芬芳十分馥郁。Rich aromas of ripe red fruit and spices.

恰像馥郁的玫瑰花心的毛虫。Which like a canker in the fragrant rose.

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但在这馥郁的黑暗,我猜测But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet

但在这馥郁的黑暗,我猜测But, in embalmèd darkness, guess each sweet

产出的葡萄酒入口柔软,香气馥郁。The resulting wines are soft and flavorsome.

这套衣服微微散发一种馥郁的玫瑰香。The suit exudes a faint charming rose scent.

芳香馥郁,具有典型的灰皮诺葡萄的果香。Fine elegant and typical Pinot Grigio bouquet.

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用馥郁的暮色掩住你的双唇,说And cover your lips with odoroustwilight and say

馥郁的香气,带有樱桃、梨子的气味。It has a cherry liquor aroma with notes of plums.

蓝莓、甘草与皮革的芬芳丰饶馥郁。Aromas are rich with blueberry, licorice and leather.

一线冷泉把馥郁的花香,淹没。Cold seeps into the floral fragrance line, submerged.

她将赋予您馥郁的芬芳令人悠然上神往。Its fragrant scent will give you unlimited imagination.

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馥郁的果香芬芳宜人,蕴含几分橡木的淡淡余韵。An aromatic nose of ripened fruits, closing with hints of oak.

从敞开的房门飘来了紫丁香馥郁的香气。There came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac.

柔和的李子果香、馥郁的花香与一丝白垩的气息交织融合。A soft plummy, quite floral nose with a note of chalky texture.

果酱、梅干与些许岑树的淡雅香气芬芳馥郁。A fine and powerful nose with aromas of fruit jam, prunes and ash.

馥郁醇香,充满活力,散发出蓝莓的熏香及辛香气息。Juicy, rich and youthful, offering smoky blueberry and spice scents.

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此酒芬芳馥郁,香料与黑莓及桑葚等水果的香气混合交织。On the nose spices play with fruits such as blackberry and mulberry.

薰衣草是一种馥郁的紫蓝色的小花。The aspic is one kind of strongly fragrant purple blue color floret.

拥有馥郁的李子、浆果香及淡淡的清新木香。Has a fragrance of plums, berries and a touch of fresh woody incense.