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早期的定居者用云杉木、枫木和松木建造屋架。Early settlers built frames of spruce, maple and pine.

原来屋架全靠墙外回廊上的木柱支撑。The original roof trusses on the wall outside the cloister support.

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本文首先介绍了钢筋混凝土屋架的加固方法。This paper presents the methods of strengthening reinforced concrete truss.

地球屋002号为轻钢屋架加草泥填充墙。The earth house 002 is a house with lightweight structure plus Straw-Clay wall.

该屋架和唱名杆纳入热轧钢材的形成,为最大限度的安全。The roof frame and roll-over bar incorporate hot-formed steels for maximum safety.

介绍了一种轻型的空间结构一钢管空间梭形屋架。This paper presents a light-type space structure-shuttle truss of steel pipe structure.

问起耐冲击等特点的视窗及更多屋架背带。Ask about features such as impact resistant windows and a greater number of roof truss straps.

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大成殿内顶部,草以下设天花板,中央置藻井,屋架总高7米。Great hall top of a grass below the ceiling, the central home caisson, the roof seven meters high.

利用门式脚手架配上简易屋架,便可构成临时工地宿舍、仓库或工棚。Accompanied by simple roof truss gantry scaffolding can constitute a TWA quarters, warehouse or shed.

屋架支座的标高、线位移、中挠度,经测量做出记录。Roof Support elevation, the axis displacement and cross-deflection, the measurement made by the record.

它的校舍屋架,屋顶板和内外墙板均为竹集成材和竹胶合板制成。Where bamboo plywood panels and laminated beams used for root trusses, sheathing boards and wall panels.

航站楼整体采用了钢结构屋架和点式玻璃幕墙围护结构,营造了内部空间开敞通透的视觉效果。The building is constructed with steel frames and full height glazed curtain wall , making a clear and bright visual effect.

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某联合工房屋架为正交正放四角锥网架,节点为螺栓球节点和焊接球节点两种。The roof of a combined workshop is an orthogonal spatial square pyramid grid with bolt-sphere joints and welded-sphere joints.

本文针对一起屋架坍塌事故,详尽分析了坍塌屋架的强度及稳定性。In view of a collapse accident of the roof-fram, the strength and the stability of a collapsed roof-fram is analysed in detail.

由混凝土柱、预应力混凝土屋架或钢屋架组成的横向排架结构是常见的横向受力体系。The lateral bent system composed of RC columns and prestressed RC trusses or steel trusses is common lateral force-resistant style.

本文就人民大会堂屋架结构形变测量数据进行了分析,得出了该建筑形变的规律。The deformation surveying data on the roof truss structure of the Great Hall of the People is analysed and the building deformation rules are obtained.

空腹屋架下弦处于预压力、强大的轴拉力、弯矩和剪力共同作用下工作。The lower chord of a vierendeel truss, when loaded, is subjected to the combined action of prestressed compression, large axial tension, moment and shear.

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本文以广州体育馆钢结构屋架几何形变测量工程为实例,提出了一套适宜大型钢屋架的几何形变测量方案。Deformation observation of Guangzhou gymnasium steel roof truss is used as a case study in this paper and a survey scheme suitable for such project presented.

分析了某礼堂屋架所存在的质量问题,据检测评定结果进行了加固设计。The quality defects of the roof trusses of an auditorium are analyzed. A reinforcing designing scheme is given according to the results of measurement and assessment.

本研究选择云林山线民居屋架之分间墙作为分析案例,說明上述构造之层次观念、图式观念,以及验证构造图式在描述应用与设计应用的能力。The partitioning walls of traditional houses in Yunlin mountain area are chosen as examples to illustrate the concept of construction levels and constructional schema.