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衬托着生动的白与红。In living white and red.

在白色的衬托下,黑色很显目。The black shows up against the white.

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红旗在蓝旗的衬托下很显眼。Red flags stand out against the blue sky.

那座塔衬托着蓝天引人注目。The tower stood out against the blue sky.

宽沿帽衬托出那女孩美丽的容貌。A large hat framed the girl's pretty face.

用蓝色眼影衬托你的黑眼睛。Blue eye-shadow to set off your black eyes.

那件时装把她的身段衬托得更加优美。The fashion sets her figure off to advantage.

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精巧的眼镜把我的脸衬托得很美。The smart sunglass sets off my face very much.

这幅画有背景衬托分外醒目。The picture is relieved against the background.

小的铜粉衬托橄榄色皮肤。The tiny flecks of copper make olive skin glow.

美味筵席,还得餐具衬托。Delicate banquet, return so that tableware foils.

这幅画在这白壁的衬托下很显眼。The picture shows up well against the white wall.

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燃烧的细火可以衬托你的房间。A small burning fire can be a scence of your room.

深色的画框图衬托得很好看。The dark-coloured frame shows off the painting well.

深色的画框把画衬托得很好看。The dark-coloured frame shows off the painting well.

在男朋友们的衣著衬托下,显得灵气而豪华。Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin &gorgeous.

蓝天清晰地衬托出我们的教学大楼。Our classroom stood out clearly against the blue sky.

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这座白色建筑物在蓝天的衬托下显得十分突出。The white building was relieved against the blue sky.

在男朋友们的衣著衬托下,显得灵气而豪华。Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous.

狼和狐狸衬托下了山的另一面。Coyote and Fox set off down the hill on the other side.