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重金属吉他手使用真空管放大器造成严重失音。Heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion.

损及声道或耗伤肺气者,亦可导致失音。Damages and the sound track or consumes wound lung being mad, may also cause the aphonia.

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二月份,一场恶性流感会迫使班级停课。我自己会失音。Classes will be disrupted in February by a nasty bout of flu. I myself will lose my voice.

结论针灸综合疗法是治疗癔病性失音的有效方法。Conclusion The combined therapy with acupuncture is an effective one for hysteric aphonia.

而鱼际穴主治疾病有咳嗽、咳血、咽喉肿痛、失音和发热。While the thenar main points Governance disease cough, hemoptysis, sore throat, aphonia , and fever.

声带小结严重者可重度声音嘶哑或者失音,无法进行语言交流,影响工作、学习和生活。The vocal nodules in severe voice hoarse or lose my voice, unable to a language exchange, affecting work, study and life.

失音,又称喉音,是指发音不畅,声音嘶哑的一种证候。Aphonia, also calls the glottal, is refers to the pronunciation to be impeded, sound hoarse one kind of card period of five days.

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有报道新的内镜下胃固定插管术可以避免因为口咽部的通道而导致的内源性失音。A different introducer technique with endoscopically controlled gastropexy is available avoiding oropharyngeal passage with the internal bumper.

方法对80例经一般治疗无效的癔病性失音患者,进行硬起声发声训练,训练后行喉部按摩。Methods 80 hysterical aphonia patients who had failed to response to general treatment received hard attack vocalization training and massage to larynx.

失音在临床较为常见,近年来,中医,特别是针灸推拿治疗其病特色鲜明,疗效肯定。Aphonia can be seen frequently. Traditional Chinese medicine, especially Acupuncture and moxibustion, Manipulation have shown their unique characters in treating aphonia in recent years.