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为了与白色外套相搭配,王储戴了顶白帽子。The prince wore a white hat to match his suit.

哇集拉隆功王储则别想有这种权威。Prince Vajiralongkorn can expect no such leeway.

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海德在1660年与王储詹姆士结婚。Hyde James in 1660 with the Crown Prince married.

王储访问了我们在伊拉克和马里的驻兵。The Crown Prince has visited our soldiers posted in Iraq and in Mali.

维多利亚女王储和她的平民驸马来到演出现场向人群致意。Victoria and Daniel wave to the crowd as they arrive at the performance.

在1861年3月17日,意大利在皮耶蒙特王储的名下,实现了统一。On March 17, 1861, Italy became a single state under the Piedmontese crown.

但现在的王储,苏尔坦,已经八十多岁且据说病得很重。But the current crown prince, Sultan, is in his 80s and said to be very ill.

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普林西比刺杀王储成功,几周之内,第一次世界大战爆发。Princip shot the archduke. Within weeks, the first world war had broken out.

在巴林,王储周五在电视上呼吁示威者保持冷静。In Bahrain, the crown prince went on television Friday and appealed for calm.

当查尔斯王储得知这对夫妇当晚会登台献歌时,称赞说“很好”。Charles asked if the couple planned to sing, replying 'Good' when told they were.

然而,仍然有许多挪威人支持哈康王储做出的选择-迎娶自己心爱的人。And many Norwegians support Haakon's decision to marry a woman he obviously loves.

但是如果莱蒂齐亚和费利佩王储再生一个儿子的话,莱昂诺尔的王位继承权就会排在他之后。But her place in the royal succession could drop if Felipe and Letizia have a son.

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他被指控在查尔斯王储位于海格罗夫的别墅里,向哈利王子提供大麻。Pelly was accused of introducing Harry to drugs at Prince Charles' Highgrove home.

尽管如此,就在昨天,王储还确定一定会来参加婚礼。Despite this, only yesterday, the Crown Prince was definitely coming to the wedding.

三十三年来他一直立他的弟弟哈桑为王储。For 33 years, his younger brother Prince Hassan bin Tallal had been the crown prince.

在去年英国皇家爱斯科赛马会开幕的第一天,查尔斯王储以传统绅士形象现身。In traditional top hat and tails on the first day of the Royal Ascot Races last year.

在瑞士的滑雪场,王储的滑雪帽、太阳镜和脖子上的丝巾格外耀眼。In skiing gear, complete with neon sunglasses , at a ski resort in Klosters, Switzerland.

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能承受的成绩和一些经消毒灌装过程,王储说。The finishes can withstand pasteurised and some sterilised filling processes, Crown says.

之后维多利亚成为了女王储,以显示长子无论男女都可以继承王位的平等性原则。Then Victoria was made Crown Princess to recognise the principles of equal primogeniture.

葛莉斯.凯莉在她电影事业最高峰的时候,弃影下嫁给摩洛哥王储雷尼尔亲王。Grace Kelly quit acting to marry Prince Rainier when she was in her prime as a movie star.