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这些太阳帽贵吗?Are the sun hats expensive?

戴上太阳帽以遮挡阳光。Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

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太阳帽是许多人夏天防晒的必备用品之一。Many people use sun hats to help them avoid sunshine.

不要忘记你的沙滩鞋,阔边太阳帽,和防晒油。Don't forget your beach shoes, sun hat, and sun screen!

此产品既是太阳帽,也是望远镜。This product is not only a sun hat , is also telescope.

外出时最好戴太阳帽和太阳镜。Goes out when should better wear the sun helmet and the sunglasses.

她那鲜亮的头发藏在太阳帽下,一副深色的太阳镜也遮在了脸上。Her bright hair was hidden under a sunhat, and she was disguised with dark glasses.

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夏天里,阳光如此的猛烈,你要戴上太阳帽和太阳镜。In the summer, the Sun is so strong that you need to wear a sun hat and sunglasses.

他们头戴太阳帽,脚穿休闲鞋,身着休闲裤配薄运动衫。They are holding a sun hat, walking shoes, comfortable clothes and a light sweater.

假如你再戴简简单单的红白太阳帽那就太落伍了!If you wear sunbonnet of simple tongue of redwhite duck again that is too moss-grown!

当男女孩子在烈日下坐立或行走的时候,男孩子常常戴太阳帽,女孩子则往往戴女装太阳帽。Boys often wear caps and girls where hats when they sit, stand or walk in the hot sun.

编号为3372的“望远镜太阳帽”,也是创新设计开发的专利产品。No. 3372 of the "telescope sun hat", but also innovative design and development of proprietary products.

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而戴太阳帽在巡回赛选手中变得越来越流行,这也是一种很好的保护眼睛的办法。A hat, which is becoming more and more popular among tour players, is another good way to shade your eyes.

轻松邀请朋友或家人加入皇马俱乐部,您将获赠我们送达贵府的精美皇家马德里太阳帽。Simply for inviting a friend or family member to join the club you'll receive at home this fantastic Halamadrid cap.

必须得带上帅气的太阳帽,这脸本来就黑,在让太阳给我晒晒就成非洲人了!Have to wear handsome caps, which already faces black, in allowing the sun to me as Africans on the sun drying of the!

白天出去的时候,一个小包可以装水、一件薄夹克、太阳帽、钱包等等,这很棒。It was great to have a small bag for going about in the daytime and holding water, a thin jacket, sunhat, wallet, etc.

内蒙古地区地处高原,日照时间长,光线较强,需要准备太阳帽、太阳镜、防晒霜。Inner Mongolia region be located in highland, sunshine time long, strong light, need to prepare caps, sunglass, sunscreen.

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千万不要一顶太阳帽,一根拐棍就出发了,那样会面临许多大自然中难以解决的困难。Must not a sunbonnet , a walking stick set out, can face the difficulty that resolves hard in a lot of nature in that way.

不要忘记准备多种遮阳物,太阳帽。如果你是在多虫季节首次出行的话,还要准备充足的“非避蚊胺”类驱虫喷剂。Remember to include lots of sun screen, sun hats and a good supply of non-DEET bug spray on that first trip during bug season.

一个十五岁的高个儿女孩,戴着普通的太阳帽,穿着印花布的连衣裙,问我“用不用烟草”——意思是我要不要嚼烟草。A strapping girl of fifteen, in the customary sunbonnet and calico dress, asked me if I "used tobacco" — meaning did I chew it.