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节气“惊蛰”是什么意思?What does the solar term Insects Awaken mean?

立春之后,很快就到了惊蛰。Insects awaken soon after the first day of spring.

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“惊蛰”通常在公历哪天到来?When will Insects Awaken come in Gregorian calendar?

雷打立春节,惊蛰雨不歇。Thunder made the Spring Festival, the rain did not stop the awakening of insects.

惊蛰的意思是春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏在土壤中冬眠的动物。Awakening of Insects mean spring's move, awakened dormant in the soil hibernating animals.

明天惊蛰,照道理会下个雷雨。天气预报也是这么说的。Tomarrow is Jingzhe, it's would be raining as follow, it's also said in the weather report.

惊蛰始雷的说法则与沿江江南地区的气候规律相吻合。Awakening of Insects only mine is the Jiangnan region and along the river coincide with climate laws.

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惊蛰的春雷刚刚掠过乡间的池塘,久违了的蛙鸣声便开始在田野中唱响。Soon after the spring thunder passed by the rural ponds, the sound of frogs was awakened in the field.

立春之后,很快就到了惊蛰,每年这个时候会有位朋友来看我。Insects awaken soon after the first day of spring. Every year around this time, a friend would come to see me.

惊蛰的意思是天气回暖,春雷始鸣,惊醒蛰伏于地下冬眠的昆虫。Jingzhe means the return of warmer weather, thunder Ming start, awakened dormant in underground hibernating insects.

这时正值惊蛰、春分时节,民俗认为蛰伏一冬的龙,在这一天开始抬头活动,从这以后雨水也就多起来了。This occurs during the spring equinox season, and people believe this is when the dragon wakes up from its winter hibernation.

平时眼高于顶,凡事都要损上几句的周惊蛰主动要为二狗开车,这也太过明显。I look at the top, everything should damage on a few of the initiative to drive for two weeks Jingzhe dog, this is too obvious.

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因此,有些研究者推测,两种人发生冲突后,入侵者的创造潜力因而惊蛰启动。Some researchers have thus surmised that confrontation between the two populations awakened in the invaders a creative ability that had heretofore lain dormant.

时令已快到惊蛰,雪当然再不会存留,往往还没等落地,就已经消失得无踪无影了。As it was close to the third solar term of "the Waking of Insects", there was no reason for snow flakes to accumulate, so they disappeared before touching the ground.

惊蛰节气人们要注意气象台对强冷空气活动的预报,当心冷暖变化,预防感冒等季节性疾病的流行。Jingzhe solar term people should pay attention to the weather station on the strong cold air activity forecast, beware of changes, prevention of cold seasonal diseases.

今天惊蛰日的庆贺方法多种多样,然而人们依然保留着像吃春饼和面条这样的传统。Today, Longtaitou Festival is celebrated in various ways, most of which are still identical to those practiced in the ancient times, including eating Chinese pancakes and noodles.

时令已快到惊蛰,雪当然再不会存留,往往还没等落地,就已经消失得无踪无影了。As it was close to the third solar term – the "Waking of Insects", there was no reason for snow flakes to accumulate. So more often than not, they disappeared even before touching the ground.