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这一次搬家,他拖家带口,但是终究也没什么区别。This time, he had a wife and family in tow, but it made little difference.

想知道“一天”的价值,问一个拖家带口的劳工。To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed.

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我们还未曾意识到,就已经又老又胖又拖家带口,美丽一去不复返…Before they know it they're old and fat and married and wondering where their beauty went.

他曾告诉朋友,多他一个入伍,就会少一个拖家带口的士兵上战场。He told a friend he wanted to join up so that a soldier with a wife and family would not have to.

许多人带拖家带口地去旅行,刺激了连锁酒店的儿童看护服务热。Many took along their spouses, their children or both, sparking a boom in child-care services at hotel chains.

“那些拖家带口来到施舍处的,是那些从未想过自己会到这里寻求帮助的人”。The people who go into a soup kitchen and take their families are people who thought they would never ever have to go in and get help.

我不知道他的计划,到了这个年纪还拖家带口你还不知道他会不会回到国家队。I don't know his plans and when you get to that age and have a young family you wonder whether he does have plans to go back to Holland.

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大卫-贝克汉姆在2007年拖家带口,搬到了美国好莱坞的贝弗利山庄,转眼三年过去了,这位球员似乎没有打道回府的打算。David Beckham moved to Beverly Hills in 2007 with his wife Victoria and their three sons, and the soccer star has no plans to move back to the UK.

在去往索马里首都摩加迪沙的路上,到处可见来自南部旱灾灾区的大人和孩子。这些人拖家带口,到摩加迪沙,无非是希望让骨瘦如柴的孩子不至于饿死。The roads into Mogadishu are dotted with families streaming in from parched southern Somalia in hopes of saving their wafer-thin children from starvation.

何秀心有不甘,不打算继续住在这个房子里,于是她收拾好包裹,拖家带口来到陈记药铺找耀哥,说要住在药铺里。He Xiuxin has not, do not intend to continue to live in the house, so she packed and family to find Chen Ji a Yao brother, said to have lived in the pharmacy.

然而,提供低于市面工资也可能难以吸引拖家带口的人,或者是有迫切经济需要的人,以及无数其他机会。However, offering below market wages may make it hard to attract people with growing families, significant compensation needs, or numerous other opportunities.

这样的价格,对于门外那些往往是举倾家荡产之力、拖家带口、三步一叩首用身体丈量土地步行来到大昭寺朝圣的信徒们来说,怎么可能负担得起?How could those believers outside the door, who have spent all their savings to travel with using their bodies to measure the thousand miles of distance, to afford this price?

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要说服外派员工拖家带口住到重庆或是成都去可不容易,因为那儿的外国公司和国际学校凤毛麟角。And it is not easy persuading expatriate workers to take their families to places like Chongqing and Chengdu, where foreign companions and international schools are thin on the ground.

虽然京城宾馆饭店林立,但众多的拖家带口的“自助式”游客自然消费不起,这使得一夜几十元钱的家庭式旅馆家家门庭若市,应接不暇。Although Beijing hotels, buildings, but many home-mouth on the "self-help" visitors can naturally consumption, which makes night dozens yuan family-style hotel each family visitors, too.