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事实真相是怎样的?What are the facts?

真相是虚构小说。Truths are fictions.

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无论无何我得说出真相。I must tell the truth.

不过真相是这样的!But here's the lowdown!

所以她发现真相了。So she found the truth.

它维护了真相。It's assertions of truth.

事实真相已泄露。The truth has leaked out.

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真相是我们都在撒谎。The truth is, we all lie.

别告诉他逆耳的真相。Don't tell him home truth.

我刚看了一眼真相却又不见了。I am happy, get a glimpse.

于是我开始挖掘真相。So I began digging around.

真相无法性别歧视。The truth cannot be sexist.

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寻求真相尚易,接受真相却难。Accepting the truth is hard.

最后我发现了事情的真相。At last I divined the truth.

杰克告诉了我们真相。Jair-conk told us the truth.

这时候,真相宛如一股抚慰伤口的暖流沁入心间。The healing oxygen is truth.

他和盘端出了事实真相。He spewed out the true facts.

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他们想要彻底的真相。They want the complete truth.

当面对证,真相自明。Face and face truth comes out.

应该让他知道真相。He should be straightened out.