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你想要维持窈窕身材吗?Do you want to keep in shape?

这女孩已经长成窈窕淑女了。The girl has grown up to be a lady.

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让你的身材变得窈窕动人。Let your body becomes Transamerica moving.

我想找一位与美丽窈窕的女孩与我共谱人生。I would like a nice slim asian girl to fill my world!

和我一样。我已经看过窈窕淑女两次了。The same with me. I have seen the film "My Fair Lad" twice.

古人又云“窈窕淑女,君子好逑”。The ancients again cloud"engaging fair lady, gentleman good Qiu".

他毫不犹豫地回答,“‘窈窕淑女’中的奥黛丽赫本。”Without hesitation, he replied, "Audrey Hepburn in MY FAIR LADY".

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让您合身舒适并修饰身材,展现窈窕与魅力。To represent to be gentle and graceful , glamorously and charming.

爱奥尼柱式模仿了女子的窈窕。Ionic order imitated the gentle and graceful temperament of female.

香帐簇成排窈窕,金针穿罢拜婵娟。Hong account cluster rows slim, lovely lilies to wear worship strike.

经过岁月的沉淀,中国古代四大美女的窈窕身影仍留在我们的记忆中。With time, the Four Beautiful Women in ancient China still remain in our memories.

相传在唐朝,有一位技艺精湛的画家,他创作了一幅人物图,画的是一位窈窕淑女。It is said that in the Tang dynasty there once lived a painter who was good at painting.

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你是淑女,而且窈窕,而我一向以正人君子自居,理当求之。You are a fair lady, and engaging, but I always with gentleman from reside, should be beg it.

四喜心中一懔,急忙推开了她,并板下脸来问她窈窕蜜到底在什么地方。Four xi heart a deloitte was alarmed, hastened away her, and board face asked her where is my honey.

日前,她为某时尚周刊拍摄的一组写真大片曝光,窈窕身材一览无余。Recently, she is a fashion magazine of a group photo shoot big exposure, gentle &graceful body lace.

这里也同时提醒你夏天常见的饮食陷阱,让你避免肥胖,轻松享有窈窕身材。It also reminds you of the usual summer diet trap, let you avoid obesity, easy access to good figure.

范•伍格特教授补充说,研究结果显示“窈窕淑女,君子好逑”部分源于进化。The professor added that the findings showed that men's desire for beautiful women was part of evolution.

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如果说春雨是一位轻轻柔柔的窈窕淑女,那么夏雨就应该是充满阳刚的健壮少年。If the spring is a fair maiden answered gently, then filled with summer rain to be robust masculine youth.

我爱妳以及妳那双美丽的杏眼。在热带的天空下妳身上散发出芬芳且身影窈窕。Rose, Rose, I love you with your almond eyes. You smell fragrant and look slender beneath the tropical skies.

多才多艺、端庄窈窕是件好事,不过不能因此趾高气扬、骄傲自满”,安米沉思着说。It's nice to have accomplishments and be elegant, butnot to show off or get perked up," said Amy thoughtfully.