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露珠似金银丝般装点着树叶。Drops of dew tinselled the leaves.

教堂用的金银器皿都锁起来了。All the church plate has been locked up.

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已经被满山的金银所取代?Has been replaced with mountains of gold?

金银条,金银块或金银片。Buildings are rated silver, gold or platinum.

125克或2.75盎司或10拖拉以内的金银bullion over 125g, 2.75 troy ounces or ten Tolas

琥珀屋嵌装着金银珠宝。The AmberRoom was also made with gold and jewels.

何时用金银铜牌颁奖?When were gold, silver and bronze medals awarded?

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女帽皆用金银线绣花点缀与装饰。All female caps were decorated with purl embroidery.

石英是原生金银矿物的主要载体矿物。Quartz is main carrier mineral of primary Au and Ag.

这些马钉着金银做的鉄掌。The horses were shod with silver and golden bridles.

嵌金银丝艺术挂毯,绚丽雅典。The art filigree tapestry is elegant and magnificent.

我以为这里面藏着金银珠宝呢。I thought there were gold and jewelries stored inside.

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那盗贼挥霍金银,露出了破绽。The robber gave himself away by spending so much money.

银行体系所持有的金银实际上减少了。The specie held by the banking system actually declined.

然而,我既没有什么财产,也没有仆人,更没有什么金银珠宝。However, I do not have any property, servants or jewelry.

我们还是面对现实吧,现在很少有酒店赚得金银满钵。Let´s face it, few hotels are flush with money right now.

最后这只金银打造的鸟被放回皇帝寝宫内的笼子里。At last the gold and silver bird was put back in its cage.

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金银钻石,汽车和大屏幕电视则不能。Gold, diamonds, cars and big-screen-T. V. s won't do this.

不过在疲软的美元开始走强后,金银的价格似乎又出现了回落的趋势。But prices have since retreated as the dollar strengthened.

这样的金银丝纱线牢固度好,牵引能力强。This strong degree of metallic yarn , and traction ability.