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镇子变化很大。The town had changed a lot.

他们住在用栅栏围起的镇子里。They lived in a palisaded town.

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他带着这封信进了镇子。He carried it down town with him.

她的丈夫离开镇子工作去了。Her husband was out of town for work.

我的孩子们称它为设施简陋的镇子。My children call it a one-horse town.

整个镇子可能都会同意这一点。And the town would have likely agreed.

一天附近的镇子逢集。One day a fair came to the nearby town.

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所以某晚你在镇子附近驾驶这台车。So, you drive it around town one night.

你是骗她离开镇子的吧?。Did you lie to get her out of town, too?

正象我说的那样,那个年轻人住在镇子里没走。As I was saying, the young man stayed on.

他说,这整个镇子让他感到寒冷。The whole town, he said, gave him chills.

既然你来到了这个镇子,那就让我帮助你吧。Let me help you while you’re in this town.

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夫子河是个镇。镇子上有座窑。Pedant River towns. Town seat on the kiln.

作为一个温泉胜地,这镇子闻名遐迩。The town is famous as a hot-spring resort.

镇子里的每一个人都相信他的医术。Everybody in the town trusted his medicine.

这个镇子引以为荣的是有个闻名于事的美术馆。The town boasts a world-famous art gallery.

今天,大多数镇子是空荡荡的“鬼镇”。Today, most of them are empty" ghost towns."

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镇子上声音最大的猎狗在对着一只老鼠汪汪直叫。The loudest hound in town bow-wowed at a mouse.

我们必须赶到镇子,上报有关泽德凯亚·史密斯的情报。We need to get to town and report Zedekiah Smith.

他走进镇子里,敲开了裁缝家的门。He walked into town, and knocked on the tailor's door.