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哦,安洁,不要呜咽。Oh, Angie don't you weep.

阿根廷,别为我呜咽!Don't cry for me Agentina !

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敲打着,呜咽着,奏出一支美妙的老调子Beat and sob to the old refrain

我不由得呜呜咽咽地哭起来。I broke out crying and sobbing.

我的狗呜咽着想被放出去。My dog whimpered to be let out.

她呜咽地诉说她的不幸遭遇。She sobbed out her unhappy lot.

小女孩呜咽着,轻轻地呜咽着。The girl whimpers, very softly.

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陇头风凄,流水呜咽。Meilong head wind chill, water SOB.

“别丢下我不管。”他呜咽着说。Don't leave me alone, ' he whimpered.

那病童躺在床上呜咽啜泣。The sick boy lay in bed and whimpered.

它们会叫、呜咽、咆哮和打哈欠。They'll bark, whimper, growl and yawn.

群狗呜咽着,眼里都淌出了泪水。All the dogs sobbed, tears in their eyes.

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“我想我以前那辆红卡车了,”我呜咽道。"I miss my truck, "I whimpered to myself.

狗狗焦虑或者受到伤害的时候就会发车这种呜咽声。Dogs whimper when they're anxious or hurt.

那只喵喵呜咽着的橙色小猫被放在圣诞树下的一个盒子里。The orange kitten howled in a box under the tree.

最后呜咽一声后,它转身朝东而去。With one final whimper he turned and headed east.

然后祖母颤巍巍走来,高兴地呜咽着。Then the grandmother trundled up, wailing with joy.

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那小孩不断的呜咽直到她母亲给她糖吃。The child whined until her mother gave her the candy.

事与愿违,人们报之以“呜咽,而非惊叫”。Instead, he said, people got "a whimper, not a scream."

“我是个好女孩,”珍妮呜咽。“他们训练过我。”"I'm a good girl, " Jeyne whimpered. "They trained me. "