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有棕榈树的小岛生如夏日朝霞般瑰丽!Born as rosy and magnificent as summer sunglow!

抱起往真甘愿批准。爸爸、妈妈支的瑰丽婴女床。So cuddly. The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad.

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由此,一个女人瑰丽而坎坷的一生开始了。Thus, a woman magnificent and bumpy life began.

怎样才能让生命瑰丽多姿呢?How can I make magnificent variety of life then?

这里的天空湛蓝深远,空气清新甜润,瑰丽无比。Here the sky blue, the air is fresh sweet, great.

月亮在薄云中穿行,瑰丽明亮。Shining magnificently, the moon floated in the thin sky.

由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为瑰丽。As the Bali million species and customs, scenery very lai.

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楚辞”是奇谲瑰丽的楚文化的精华。The Songs of Chu" is the essence of marvellous Chu culture."

苍茫辽阔的景色染上了一片瑰丽浓艳的金黄色。The tremendous spaciousness of it was glowing with rich gold.

这是去往上述海滩的桥,你感触感染到大自然的瑰丽了吗?。This is abridge towards to above beach, do you feel nature magnificent?

白色的沙石墙从身侧延伸至远方,尽头是那天边日出的瑰丽色彩。Pale sandstone walls rose up around us and caught the colors of sunrise.

借助于色彩唐宋诗人为我们描绘了一幅幅色彩瑰丽的画卷。By means of color images, the poets painted varicolored scroll paintings.

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冰情雪韵中同享冰城瑰丽之冬色,和谐世界里共抒深情厚谊之情怀。Enjoy beauty of winter of ice city, enjoy friendship of harmonious world.

这里的天空湛蓝深远,空气清新甜润,瑰丽无比。Here's the azure blue sky profound, and air is fresh sweet, rich and clinking.

也许就是那个时候,是因为黄昏的日光折射着它的瑰丽。Maybe it was the time of day, late afternoon with its pretty, angled sunlight.

太阳只穿一件朴素的光衣,白云却披了瑰丽的裙裾。The sun has his simple rode of light. The clouds are decked with gorgeousness.

具体表现在丰富的想象、奇丽的语言和瑰丽的意境等方面。It features in rich imagination, colorful language and artistic mood, and so on.

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哦,我要赞美人生,我要讴歌宇宙的奇伟瑰丽!Oh, how I shall praise life and how I shall marvel at the wonders of the universe!

他的作品充满神话传说、楚地巫风和瑰丽的想象。His works were filled with myths, legends, witchery mores and magnificent imagination.

它们不仅仅因瑰丽的景观而闻名,还因其独特的地质形态而著名。They are famous for their excellent scenery as well as their unique geologic formations.