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她跟你是什么亲戚关系?What relation is she to you?

你在国外有亲戚吗?Have you any relatives oversea?

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他声称跟王室有亲戚关系。He claims kindred with royalty.

她和其他亲戚住在一起。She lives with another relative.

他的亲戚瞧不起他。His relatives looked down upon him.

你的亲戚都真有趣。What interesting relatives you have.

你和你的亲戚们处得来吗?Do you get along with your relatives?

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渔民生还的消息让他们的朋友和亲戚惊得目瞪口呆。The news stunned friends and relatives.

你跟所有的亲戚都处得来吗?Do you get along with all you relatives?

我真希望我妻子的这些亲戚都下地狱!I wish the missus's relations to blazes!

成群的亲戚来看伊凡。Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen.

成群的亲戚来看伊芳。Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen.

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他的父母和亲戚们都很喜欢我。His parents ang relatives liked me a lot.

她与欧洲的一家王室有亲戚关系。She is related to a European royal house.

虽然也姓周,但他与周兴海没有亲戚关系。Zhou, who is no relation to Zhou Xinghai.

你和我们村的徐大爷是亲戚吗?Are you related to Uncle Xu of our village?

邀请亲戚朋友来家中做客。Invite friends or relatives into your home.

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成群的亲戚来看伊芳。Kinfolk come apt watch Yvonne at the dozen.

太巧了!你的亲戚住哪儿?What a coincidence! Where are your relatives?

顺便说明一下,Christelle是我妈妈的亲戚,她的爸爸是我妈妈的大哥。Her father is the oldest brother of my mother.