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浪费还是节约?Waste or Save?

节约用电。Save electricity.

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节约就是赚钱。To save is to get.

哪节约用电。Save on electricity.

为以后节约一些。Save some for later.

我怎样才能节约用水呢?How can I save water?

但是节约的成本增加了。Butthe savings add up.

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剽窃节约时间。Plagiarism saves time.

我们怎样节约水?How can we save water ?

我们必须节约燃料。We must economize on fuel.

我必须节约使用我的钱财。I must manage my resources.

每天节约一丁点儿一年就是一大笔。Pin a Day is a Groat a Year.

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节约用水,利在当代,功在千秋。Save water, save the future.

我们要节约用水。We should never waste water.

你如何节约用电?。How do you save electricity ?

每天节约一丁点儿一年就是一大笔。A Pin a Day is a Grout a Year.

能节士-您可信赖的能源节约卫士!CAS-Care all saving of energy!

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节约能源,人人有责!To save energy, everyone duty!

谁将为保护节约买单?Who will pay for conservation?

赞赞,节约了不少时间!Zambrotta, save a lot of time!