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他用无情的话刺到我的痛处。He cut me to the quick with his unkind remark.

XNA是在VB开发人员当中的下一个痛处。XNA is the next sore point amongst VB developers.

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这是专为止痛用的药膏。贴在痛处,两天换一次。Apply some of the ointment, and rub it into the skin.

代码可读性总是我的痛处。Code readability has always been a sore point for me.

尺寸问题一直是时尚界的痛处。The size issue is always a sore point within the industry.

他最大的痛处在于无法听进别人说的话。His biggest sore spot is his inability to listen to others.

整个团队开会并讨论每一个痛处或成功点。The overall team met and discussed each pain or success point.

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唐骏假学历问题显然在中国触到了痛处。In China, the issue of fake qualifications clearly touches a nerve here.

别人指着你的痛处哈哈大笑,你却只能傻傻地笑着。They point to the home to you laugh, but you can only fool with a smile.

在罗马教廷,佛朗哥说,诺伊斯的评论已明显触及“痛处”。Noyes' comments have clearly touched a "raw nerve" at the Holy See, Franco said.

皮肤不应该油腻或片状,并且它不应该有任何痛处或团。The skin should not be oily or flaky , and it should not have any sores or lumps.

具体地说,用对方的痛处、恐惧和没有满足的欲求来吸引他们。Specifically, engage others by identifying their pain, fear and unfulfilled desire.

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“我是一名退休警员,所以这次袭警真的触到了我的痛处,”他说。"I'm a retired police officer, so this really hits close to home for me, " he said.

几周后,尼尔发电子邮件告诉了我一些更坏的事情,这次更触到痛处了。A few weeks later, Neil e-mails me with more bad news, this time even closer to home.

当烘干时被浸泡的秸杆,光学纤维束纤维丛收缩远离易碎的木质的痛处。When the retted straw is dried, the fibre bundles shrink away from the brittle woody sore.

中国的骚动“是好的,因为我们触到了税收的痛处并且会引发真正的讨论。”The commotion in China "is good, as we are stirring the tax pot and getting real discussion."

如果你清楚自己的弱点,那么在别人刺到你的痛处时你就可以冷静面对。Just knowing where you're vulnerable will help you stay in control when someone pokes you there.

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这句话刺到了贺俊峰的痛处,这句话是贺俊峰曾深爱的女人对他说过的。This sentence cut into He Junfeng quick, this sentence is He Junfeng ever loved a woman said to him.

当裁员真正开始触及痛处时,公务员也要为他们的未来担心里,“巴伯说.Public servants are fearful about their futures when the cuts really start to hit home, " Barber said.

换言之,有时你提错了问题倒没什么大不了,但你却戳到了他人的痛处。In other words, sometimes it's not so much that you asked the wrong question, but that you touched a sore spot.