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平滑塔夫绸衬里。Smooth taffeta lining.

涤纶塔夫绸衬里。Polyester taffeta lining.

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塔夫绸及国内外订购产品。Taffeta and ordering products at home and abroad.

在这里,魔鬼穿着塔夫绸和脚本更比泡沫时代的尖端。Here, the devil wears taffeta and the script is more frothy than cutting edge.

白藤沙发上配有金色塔夫绸和紫色天鹅绒制成的沙发垫,显得豪华而精致。A white cane sofa is sumptuously upholstered in gold taffeta and purple velvet.

切切私语着塔夫绸的衬里还有关于老鼠的小披肩。They whispered to one another about the taffeta lining and about little mouse tippets.

耐磨塔夫绸板盖的肩膀上,在这个连帽衫的耐用性协助。Abrasion-resistant taffeta panels cover the shoulders, aiding in this hoodie's durability.

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网状的头纱配上塔夫绸,简直就是超级具有空气感。A study in contrasts, net veiling over taffeta creates a full skirt that is remarkably light and airy.

各种高档产品,包括提花布、褶裥塔夫绸、洗净毛及双面织物。Wide range on upmarket products such as jacquard, pleated taffeta, washed wool and double face fabric.

这些带有袖子的结婚礼服通常都是选用一些奢华的布料例如丝绒、丝绸、塔夫绸。These Wedding Dresses with Sleeves are usually made of luxury materials like velvet, silk, and taffeta.

对70D的尼龙塔夫绸制成,它们包括一个菊花链和最终处理容易拆包和可移植性。Made of 70D nylon taffeta, they include a daisy chain and end handle for easy unpacking and portability.

他立即写了一封信,要求他的弟弟艾蒂安来大量供应塔夫绸和绳子。He immediately wrote a letter asking his brother Etienne to come with a large supply of taffeta and rope.

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同样款式的服装他用柔软而具有流动感的薄绸制作与使用硬挺的塔夫绸制作,看上去会有较大的区别。A dress made in a soft flowing fabric such as silk chiffon will look very different from the same dress style constructed in a stiff taffeta fabric.

第二个区分方面是面料,时尚的伴娘服通常使用高档面料,例如天鹅绒、丝绸、塔夫绸等等。The second differentiating feature is the fabric. These Fashion Bridesmaid Dresses are usually made of luxury materials like velvet, silk, and taffeta.

回顾如何洗衣烘干了火灾将成为口袋滚滚向上,他建立了一个3英尺方盒瘦身木材覆盖塔夫绸面料和扶植它的小火烧。Recalling how laundry drying over a fire would form pockets billowing upwards, he built a 3-foot-square box of thin wood covered with taffeta fabric and propped it over a small fire.

介绍了涤纶塔夫绸在MCS连续精练机上前处理工艺包括工艺流程、处方及工艺条件、结果,还有影响前处理效果的因素。The article presents procedures, recipes, conditions and results of the pretreatment process of polyester taffeta on MCS continuous scouring machine as well as factors influencing the results.