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心里也酣畅了。Earned the heart also.

给他挣来了一夜的酣畅。Has as earned a night's repose.

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这里还会举行中世纪风格的酒会,让我们酣畅的饕餮一顿吧!Plow through a big group meal at a medieval banquet held here.

它让你们酣畅入眠,那就是他们对于你们的期望。It will put you to sleep, and that's all that is expected of you.

正如充实的一天会带来酣畅的睡眠,充实的一生会带来幸福的长眠。As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.

高逐个鸣伸出胳膊想搂酣畅,又害怕地放下。One arm outstretched to high tolled windrowing and afraid to put down the blow.

酣畅忽然停住,高一鸣也怔住,两个人四目相对。Suddenly stops, GaoYiMing also motivate the ZhengZhu, two personal four eyes relative.

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但踢门回家的酣畅和舒新仿佛都没给赵佳美面子。But kick the door home as if all blow and comfortable new haven't given zhao jiamei face.

此诗本形容牡丹花国色天香,白天赏花饮酒酣畅,夜间芳香染衣。Daytime views the peony flowers drinks wine heartily, at night fragrant dyes the clothes.

吐字清晰,行腔简朴,酣畅流利,鼓点简朴自然,铿锵有力。You Xueyao sang clearly, simply and fluently, with the drum beating naturally and strongly.

枝前吻香,雪间浅卧,点数酣畅,慢摇日光,何其美哉!Branches before the kiss, the snow lying between the shallow, points earned, slow daylight, how beautiful!

酣畅这才绝望地坐在桥头,而高一飞也记住了这个活波捣乱的小丫头。Soundly this just desperate to sit GaoYiFei also remember bridge, and the live wave mischievous little girl.

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我家的阳台上种了林林总总优美的花卉,令百口人都以为心境很酣畅。The balcony of my house a variety of beautiful species of flowers, the family feel very comfortable feeling.

陈三立的七言古体诗具有独特的审美特质,并非人们常说的散原诗歌的萧索凄寂,而是多有酣畅崛健的风格。Chen Sanli s 7-word ancient poems have a unique aesthetic idiosyncracy with a style of fluency and sturdiness.

他有生以来第一次需要吃安眠药,他原是得天独厚,睡得很酣畅的。For the first time in his life he needed sleeping pills. He had been gifted with the ability to sleep soundly.

空姐考试,年轻潇洒的酣畅成心考得乌七八糟,快乐地退出考场,和同伴们冲向海边游玩。Stewardess exam, young cheesy soundly mean got black 78, happily exit exams, and rushed to the seaside play companions.

“睡的更加酣畅,别数羊了,改成不停地念保佑你吧。”埃蒙斯教授在他关于感恩研究的著作“谢谢你!”中建议道。"If you want to sleep more soundly, count blessings, not sheep, " Dr. Emmons advises in "Thanks! " his book on gratitude research.

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审美风格上气势雄浑、笔力酣畅,又不失款款深情等。In esthetic style imposing manner vigorous, bold handwriting vigorous style hearty, does not lose leisurely the affection and so on.

接下来的那个赛季在埃因霍温最后时刻的精彩也值得回忆,还有两胜曼联的酣畅,以及在伊斯坦布尔那梦幻般的上半时。The following year it is good to recall the last minutes played at Eindhoven, the two wins over Man UTD and the first half in Istanbul.

但是,真正的失眠---长期不能入睡或是长期难以享受连续的酣畅睡眠---比我们通常所想象的要少得多。But true insomnia --- a prolonged inability to sleep or, to enjoy uninterrupted restful sleep --- is much less common than we generally suppose.