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看看这个小玩艺儿。Look at this gadget.

他们认为那玩艺儿有帮助吗?Do they think it's helpful?

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赌博这玩艺儿,你可不行。You know, you shouldn't bet.

你有没有一个最喜爱的小玩艺?Q. Do you have a favorite gadget?

看看我这儿的这个小玩艺儿。Look at this little device I have here.

什么玩艺有黑客语言支持?What IDEs have support for the Hack Language?

帮派人员在玩弄斗智施暴的玩艺儿。The gang members are playing a cat-and mouse game.

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空余的空间稍后将用于安装其它“小玩艺儿”。This spare room will be used later to install extra toys.

常给他线绳、封蜡及其它小玩艺。And brought him strings and sealing wax, And other fancy stuff.

春节期间,街上有很多卖小玩艺儿的。Many people sell souvenirs in the street during Spring Festival.

电脑可真是个好玩艺儿,我想离开它我简直就活不了了。Computer is really a good stuff. I think I can't live without it.

在我作梦的时候都见不到这样丑恶的玩艺。Never in my dreams did I imagine any hole could be so disgusting.

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短短半个世纪里,电影这玩艺从无声发展到了废话连篇…In a mere half century films have gone from silent to unspeakable.

记得那时候妈总是变戏法似的从背后拎出这些小玩艺来。Remember when mom always conjure from behind one of these gadgets.

女孩子们都喜欢各种各样的小饰品、小玩艺儿。All girls like different kinds of little decorations and souvenirs.

全新成立儿童专属的游艺空间—「U12小玩艺教室」。Establishes a brand new art education space for children, MOCA U12.

再等几天,有点牛逼的玩艺就要来了。P. S. Just wait a few days, there's a bit of awesomeness coming up.

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春节期间,街上有很多卖小玩艺儿的。Many people sell souvenirs in the street during the Spring Festival.

SCAD跳正是大卫所需要的,这玩艺绝对可怕。SCAD diving was just what David needed — it was definitely terrifying.

大刺激、小花费的玩艺儿,最受儿童欢迎。Games giving great thrills for small Bills are most welcome to children.