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用朴素反映论的观点定义信息是倒退。It is regradation to define information by naive reflectionism.

它是对“政治功利论”和“认识—反映论”阐释模式的反拨。It sets "the theory of political utility " and "the theory of cognition -reflection "to rights.

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事件与故事之差异折射出发生认识论与能动反映论两种哲学观的分野。The differences of the event and the story reflect the dissimilarity of the two Schools of Philosophy.

根据反映论与可知论,新闻传播者可以做到新闻真实。According to the Theory of Reflection and Knowability , News communicators can promise the news to be true.

受其世界观矛盾的影响,其认识论存在着反映论与先验论的矛盾。For his incompatible world view, his epistemology has a contradiction between theory of reflection and apriorism.

归其一点,他们是从社会反映论的角度出发,阐释文本的社会历史意义和认识价值,只涉及了写什么的问题。In a word, they interpreted its socio-historical meaning and value from the perspective of social reflection theory.

它从“文学情感性”、“审美反映论”、“自由的生命表现说”三个方面对“文学是什么”的本质追问进行了回答。Part two discusses the expression of aestheticism . It answers the question of "what is literature" from three aspects.

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反映论的文学观,带有机械唯物论、庸俗社会学的特点。The outlook of the theory of reflection on literature carries the characteristics of mechanical materialism and vulgar sociology.

有人因此站在站在朴素反映论立场上,提出与信息论不相兼容的信息定义。Some people hence proposes the definition of information incompatible with information theory from the viewpoint of naïve reflectionism.

作为文学创作的一个主要理论,审美反映论是马克思主义反映论在文学艺术中的延伸。Aesthetic reflection theory is the result of development of Marxism's materialist theory of reflection into the field of literature and art.

恩格斯的自然科学认识论既不同于近代经验论、唯理论、先验论,也不同于反映论。Engds' epistemology of natural sciences is both different from the modern empiricism, rationalism, apriorism , and the theory of reflection.

恩格斯的自然科学认识论既不同于近代经验论、唯理论、先验论,也不同于反映论。Engels' epistemology of natural sciences is both different from the modern empiricism, rationalism, apriorism, and the theory of reflection.

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而朴素的反映论认为,我们的感觉和物性相似,信息来对物性的正确反映。Yet, naive reflectionism thinks that a sensation is similar to a material property and information comes from correct reflection of material properties.

归化翻译学派的代表人物是尤金·奈达,他提出了著名的动态对等和读者反映论,推动和完善了归化理论的发展。Its representative Eugene Nida has put forward the famous dynamic equivalence and the theory of reader's response, which improves the development of domestication.

人类的社会生活是文学艺术的“唯一源泉”,这只是从哲学的唯物主义反映论得出的源泉论。Social life of the mankind is the "only source" of literature and arts, which is a theory of source drawn out from materialistic theory of reflection in philosophy.

本文基于奈达的动态对等原则和读者反映论,分析了戏剧翻译中文化专有项的处理方式。This paper, based on Nidas' Dynamic Equivalence principles and Reader's Response Theory, analyses the ways to deal with the culture-specific items in drama translation.

列宁借用“镜子”概念,从辩证唯物主义维度,改造了车尔尼雪夫斯基理论,创造性地构建了“反映论”文论。Lenin creatively formed his "Theory of Reflection" by way borrowing the concept of "Mirror" and remoulding Chernyshevsky s theory in the light of dialectical materialism.

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特别是以教条化的唯物主义的建构视角,形成了以反映论为前提以意识形态为指归以“典型论”为典范要求的现实主义理论。Especially deal with the dogmatic materialism, the theory take the theory of reflection as a premise, the value of ideology as a goal, "typical" theory as a model of realism theory.

在对艺术真实的系统考察中,王元骧通过把审美反映论引入到一个动态的系统和活动层面,达到了一种存在论的深度。In the systemic review of arts reality, Mr. Wang Yuanxiang leaded aesthetic theory of reflection into a level of dynamic system and activity, and let it achieve a depth of ontology.

对“反映”范畴的机械唯物主义规定,是我国当代文学反映论走向误区的一个根本原因。The interpretation by mechanical materialism of the category "reflection" is a fundamental cause of the misinterpretation of the contemporary literary theory of reflection in our country.