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人生快事,莫如读书。Things in life than the books.

最好的医生莫如真正的朋友。No doctor is like a true friend.

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莫如,记取他的好、珍惜现在所拥有的。Slots, to remember his good treasure now have.

最可帕的事莫如做任何活动,没有洞察力。Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight.

多人多人,莫如同父母”,也是四句一章。More than people, Mo, as parents, " and also a chapter 4."

与其坐在家里发闷,莫如出去走走。It would be better to go for a walk than stay at home all alone.

造物主骗人的手段,也莫如“渐”。It is by this " gradualness" that the Creator deceives all humans.

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最愉快的莫如在一家豪华的饭店里大模大样地吃上一顿。The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant.

人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白得空。There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence.

多人多人,莫如同父母”这一章押的也是交韵。More than people, Mo, as parents, " this chapter is also cross-rhyme charge."

所以站立不动,莫如踱步,使机体在运动中增进活力。So standing still, nurturing pace, so that the body in motion to promote vitality.

我讨厌太多的作业,让老师感到诲莫如深也让我云里雾里的文章。I hated th assignment to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs were agony for teachers to read and for me to write.

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莎莫如同一个无法猜透的谜语贯穿全片,可能是因为我们与汤姆一样太执着于等她回心转意了吧。Summer remains mysterious all through the film, perhaps because we persist with Tom in expecting her to cave in.

然而,不为他人理睬这点莫如说正中我下怀,因为我必须独自处理的事堆积如山,比方说,休息时间我总去学校图书馆,贪婪地阅读不止。Because I had tons of things to take care of, including spending a lot of my free time devouring books in the school library.

有人患了痛苦的不治之症,便劝告他莫如自杀,但是假若病者不肯自杀,便给他细心周到的照料。In the case of a painful incurable disease, the patient is advised to commit suicide, but is carefully tended if he refuses to do so.

但在当前这个改革和媒体商业化的年代里,与其说中国的新兴偶像是国家英雄,莫如说他们更像是人民英雄。But in an era of reform and commercialized media, China's emerging icons are looking less like heroes of the state than heroes of the people.

遇到黑人自以为受到亏待,变得愤懑不平,使他们清醒过来的最好办法莫如公民们自己来执行法律。When Negroes become resentful over imagined wrongs, nothing brings them to their senses so quickly as when citizens take the law into their hands.

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物之能感人者,在天莫如月,在乐莫如琴,在动物莫如鹃,在植物莫如柳。Of all things in the universe, those that move men most deeply are the moon in heaven, the chin in music, the cuckoo among birds, and the willow among plants.

你现在最好保持中庸之道,莫如极端,但一些已经发生的事不在你的掌控之中。You are getting much, much better at maintaining a middle course now and avoiding some of the extremes, but some of what is happening isn't completely under your control.

第三句的第一、二字当据上章和下章第三句的第一、二字补为“莫如”。The third sentence of the first, the word when, according to the third sentence of the preceding chapter and the next chapters of the first, make up for the word "nurturing."