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老天虽下雨,喷壶不成弃。Although is rain, throw not away thy watering pot.

将溶液灌入压力喷壶内,喷于待消毒表面,使其自然干燥。Clean equipment. Spray with sanitizing solution. Drain and air dry.

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尽可能使用喷壶让头发保持均匀的湿度。Use a watering can to let hair keep homogeneous humidity as far as possible.

他手里拿着喷壶津津有味地欣赏着花的美丽,闻着花的芳香。He takes his sprayer in his hand appreciating their beauty and smelling their fragrance.

或者,将柠檬汁和水混合后加入喷壶,然后在房间里喷酒。Alternatively, add some lemon juice to water in a spray bottle and spritz it around the room.

涂料涂层完成后控制枪栓,将专用喷壶放置地面。Control the spray gun bolt after finishing painting, put the special watering pot on the ground.

浇水从工具栏中拿起喷壶,把它拖到花盆上,然后点击给土壤浇水。WATER SOILPick up the watering can from the Tool Tray, drag it to the pot, and click to water the soil.

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用喷壶在窗户上喷上水,然后把气泡膜贴在窗格上,这样不花什么钱就能起到隔热效果。Spray water on your windows with a spray bottle, then apply bubble wrap on top of the panes to keep the heat inside by insulating on a budget.

就小窍门儿而言,试一试用热水和着醋或是织物软化剂,然后用喷壶均匀喷其于壁纸表面,使之浸泡其中。As far as tips for removers, try either vinegar or fabric softener with hot water in a spray bottle. Spray it liberally on your wallpaper and let it soak.

周日,我照常为我心爱的花草们喷水,我手拿着喷壶,为它们从上到下一点一点喷水,洗去它们叶子上的尘土。Sunday, I am as usual for my favorite flowers are water spray, my hand holding watering can for them bit by bit from top to bottom spray, wash away the dust on their leaves.

炎热和干燥的户外环境会使鲜花失去水份,因此,事先准备好小型喷壶非常必要。Protect young and delicate fresh flowers The blazing hot and dry outdoor atmosphere will make the fresh flowers forfeited aqua, therefore, in advance readying to small scaled shower is very necessary.