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方法光学放射自显影术。Method Light autoradiography was used.

真空管或显影管都未破碎。No vacuum or picture tubes were broken.

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最后一次显影才显出套合图像。Final development reveals a combined image.

这种软片显影需要二十分钟。This type of film develops in twenty minutes.

显影后的胶片应放在清水中浸泡。The film should be soaked in the water after souping.

显影后的胶片应放在清水中浸泡。The film should be soaked in the water after sousing.

显影补充桶已空,请加满补充液。NO. 004 CD replenisher tank is empty, add replenisher.

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原本要耗费数小时的显影过程现在缩短为几秒钟。Hours of film development have been reduced to seconds.

放在中间的显影盘倒入伊尔福硒调色液。The tray in the centre will hold the HARMAN SELENIUM TONER.

浸泡式处理方式,双毛刷显影,冲版更均匀细致。Immersion, double brush developing, the plate is meticulous.

该树脂有望在水显影热敏树脂体系中得到应用。The resin can be possibly applied in the heat-sensitive system.

用这种快速胶卷,照片仅用一分钟就会显影。With this instant film the picture develops in only one minute.

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高阶的印表机可以制造出可接受的日光显影影像。High quality inkjet printer can produce adequate image for A. P. P.

光负片爆光,于一20℃过夜,放射自显影。Light negative exposure, in a 20 degrees overnight, autoradiography.

显影以后,就显示出带电粒子的径迹来。After development, the paths of electrically charged particles appeared.

原位杂交证实了放射自显影结果。In situ hybridization for Y1 mRNA confirmed the autoradiography results.

鼻窦电脑断层呈现一个有显影的骨破坏肿瘤。Sinus computed tomography presented an enhancing, bone-destructing tumor.

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其中出现点状放射自显影像者8例,点线状放射自显影像者1例。Point radioautography was in 8 cases and linear radioautography on 1 case.

所有患者左室壁心肌均获得了满意的显影效果。Results The left heart opacification grade in all 20 patients was grade 3.

用激光绘图机拍出菲林并用显影机显影。Plot out films using Laser plotter and develop the film using film processor.