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横梁已经翘曲了。The beam has started.

他在低矮的横梁下弯着腰。He stooped under the low beam.

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安装整个横梁。Install the entire crossmember.

横梁从房间一头跨到另一头。The traverse extended across the room.

一个可以运动的横梁支撑住了板子。A transverse beam supports the dashboard.

从下横梁拆卸拖曳钩。Remove the tow hook from the lower crossmember.

为…架搁栅,为…装托梁用平行水平横梁来构筑。To construct with such parallel horizontal beams.

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在系干拱桥的横梁腹板上发生裂纹。Floor-beam webs have cracked in tied arch bridges.

横梁,高架轨道,滑轮,轮胎等起重机配件。Beams, Rail tracks-overhead, Sheaves and pulleys, Tyr.

并在横梁上附加了龙骨和楼板搁栅。To those beams, I attached rim joists and floor joists.

滑枕和横梁为滚珠丝杠。Ball screws for ram adjustment and crossrail adjustment.

在四英寸的横梁上弹跳,我像个夜魔侠,变成它的一部分。Flipping on a 4-inch beam, I like daredevil, part of it.

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四柱式举升机有四根立柱、两根横梁、用于支撑汽车的两个台板。Four-post lift has four posts, two beams and two plates.

悬挂在这两道横梁上的木闩能够自由地移动。Hanging from these beams is a crossbar that moves freely.

厂房的横梁是用丁字钢搭建而成的。The crossbeam of this workshop is made of T-shaped steel.

一块整齐的木料,尤指房屋结构中的横梁。A dressed piece of wood, especially a beam in a structure.

输液瓶悬挂在横梁的吊臂之上。The infusion bottle is hung above the arm of the crossbeam.

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地板、支架、横梁四角支撑式结构。Floor, pedestals, stringer are four-sides support structure.

缓冲器位于前面的两道横梁之下。The bumper is below the two beams sticking out of the front.

拆卸变速箱横梁螺栓,并降低引擎后部。Remove transmission crossmember bolts, and lower rear of engine.