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峨眉老尼洋洋自得的说道。The E eyebrow old nun smugly says.

人们一定会联想到他的洋洋自得。One can certainly relate to his seeming elation.

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这则消息给了法国人洋洋自得的资本。This news handed the French a license to be smug.

我感到很开心,但是我并不想因为胜利而洋洋自得。I was happy but didn’t feel like gloating over my victory.

尽管如此,美国也找不到理由因为自己相对有利的人口状况洋洋自得。Yet the United States has no reason to be smug about itscomparatively favorable demographics.

你会找到洋洋自得的小胡子、自命不凡的眼镜男以及一堆个性迥异的人。You'll find preened moustaches, pretentious glasses, a range of characters and personalities.

这个缺点的意思就是默认的托盘图标可能会惹恼那些为其桌面外观而洋洋自得的人。That said the default tray icon might grate on those who take pride in their desktops’ appearance.

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日本人支持战争,庆贺胜利,对自己的暴虐行为洋洋自得。The Japanese people supported the war, cheered the victories and reveled in the spoils it brought.

他说弗格森曾经无数次的告诉他们有有么幸运而永远不应该洋洋自得。He says Ferguson told them time and again how lucky they were, how they could never become complacent.

约翰,它可不像夏天里那些辛勤而雄赳赳的蜜蜂,而像是一个穿戴洋洋自得的伦敦东区的人。Not such as summer brings, John, earnest manly bees, but a kind of a cockney , dressed in jaunty clothes.

可是上校没有瞧罗斯托夫一眼,而是像平常在前线那样严肃而洋洋自得地东张西望。But the colonel never once glanced at Rostov, and looked, as he always did at the front, stern and solemn.

他清醒地意识到,自己对这份感情有些洋洋自得,甚至过于宠爱女人。然而,他并不结束它,而是尽力挽留。His sentiments are, he is aware, complacent, even uxorious. Nevertheless he does not cease to hold to them.

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尼布甲尼撒对这些胜利洋洋自得,他以为巴比伦单凭己力战胜了亚述和埃及。Nebuchadnezzar took pride in these conquests. He thought Babylon alone had triumphed over Assyria and Egypt.

作为技术专家,我们中的大多数人都对处理复杂性的能力洋洋自得,并且都喜爱了解最新的东西。As technologists, most of us revel in our ability to handle complexity and love to learn the latest new thing.

信中洋洋自得地提到他们打算出版一份很好的杂志。He was in Italy with de Passavant, and he wrote complacently about the wonderful journal they intended to publish.

我知道如果人心不在上帝面前谦卑,高举自我和洋洋自得会大行其道。I know how popularity and prosperity have a tendency to elate and exalt self, if the heart is not humble before God.

当他不提出新的NBA决赛总决赛阴谋理论时,他就会在Basketbawful网上吹着洋洋自得的小曲。When he's not coming up with new NBA Finals conspiracy theories, he can be found humming a jaunty tune at Basketbawful.

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这样一群对自己的滑稽如此强烈地洋洋自得的喜剧演员,即便在台下的休息室里也从未有过。The back drawing-room has never produced a company of comedians so intensely and ostentatiously conscious of their own funniness.

“这项研究显示,气候变暖意味着我们不能自满,不能认为南极西部冰原不会遭到破坏而洋洋自得,”史代格说。"This study showing warming means we can't be complacent about thinking the West Antarctica ice sheet is invulnerable, " Steig said.

“我认为没有必要用这个消息去困扰他们。”拉环洋洋自得地说。现在泰德和迪安也跟着戈努克和德克大笑起来。"I saw no reason to trouble them with the information, " said Griphook smugly, and now Ted and Dean joined in Gornuk and Dirk's laughter.